Listen below for the entire episode on The Systemize Your Life Podcast
Home Organization Tips For The Busy Mom – How to Maximize Productivity within the Home
I have come to find that with these three spaces being organized in my home I truly can produce more. If you are having trouble keeping things organized there are two parts to that problem. The first is, keeping things organized has a lot to do with knowing the process of organizing. We go over that in detail in the Systemize Your Life Academy. I use the ESCAPE method as a one-stop shop for organizing your entire home. This method allows you to keep things organized.
The second part of keeping a space organized is your habits. It’s really important to realize when you organize something you are going to have to keep a habit of putting things back in the place you have designated them to go.
The Three Things To Organize In Your Home – Essential Home Organization Tips
Today, I want you to just get started with organizing these things. Don’t be afraid of “I’m probably not going to keep it organized, I tried it before and it didn’t work so I’m not going to do it again.” It’s a process where you are going to have different evolutions and iterations of the same space being organized multiple times until you find a way that works for you. That’s ok but that just means you need to get started right NOW!
Home Organization Tip # 1 – Organize Your Fridge
The Refrigerator Cleaning System
Home Organization Tip #2 – Simplify Your Kids’ Clothes
Simplifying is Organizing
Bonus System for Home Organization Tips
Home Organization Tip #3 – Have a Command Center
Home Organization Tips – Keeping Your Command Center Organized
It Is Possible to Maintain an Organized Home
You need to know that time is falling apart because of a lack of organization which is the lack of a system in your house.
Final Tip
Kids Clothes
Command Center

Frequently Asked Questions
How do I make time to organize my house?
Just start now where you are at! My 5 block, time blocking system will help you get your life in order so you start making time for what’s important and start getting things done!