Welcome to a special time management series! For the next 5 days, we are going to dive deep into your biggest questions on how to get it all done, tackle that never-ending to-do list, and actually have time to yourself. How to be more productive and actually accomplish the things you want to accomplish!
The Systemize Your Life Academy is the #1 home management system you need to make it happen. In just 4 weeks I take work-from-home moms from overwhelmed to organized.
Check out all the details over at chelsijo.co/academy!
Listen below for the entire episode on The Systemize Your Life Podcast
3 Steps to Being More Productive
This is day one of five of me breaking down your biggest concerns and problems. It’s all about time management and how to beat the overwhelm and be more productive with your busy schedule and your super messy house. Let’s dive right in with step one!
Step #1 – Be More Productive – Know Your Resources
What kind of tools do you have in your toolbox? Do you have a paper planner? Do you have an electronic calendar?
Those are the two biggest tools that I recommend for getting down your time management so you can be more productive.
It is a hybrid system and you cannot do one or the other, it has to be both. This is for you as a woman that is juggling multiple people’s schedules.
Look at what tools you are using and then make sure you know how to use them. Do you know how to use your paper and electronic Google calendar?
What I would say is to gobble all of our resources. My website has free resources that will teach you my five-block time blocking method for your paper planner and how to schedule your fundamental needs so you are able to avoid burnout.
Get those things down and you’ll be golden. Alright, on to number two.
#2 – Start With One Thing
You need to know that it isn’t just going to get all better tomorrow when you are in a place of busy and overwhelm. We are all in different seasons, older kids, new moms, work-from-home moms, etc. and I can’t tell you exactly where you need to start. But, I can tell you, you need to pick one place and let everything else go to the wayside. What you’re expecting in your brain is what I’m speaking to right now.
Your whole day and your whole week will not be “perfect” for a very very very very long time and quite frankly I don’t teach perfection.
You have to pick one specific part of your day. You’re going to look at one of your five blocks with either your morning routine, AM block, your work block, PM block or nighttime routine.
Almost always the one I recommend for most people to start with is their nighttime routine. This is the catalyst for everything that happens in your day.
You’re going to want to look at where you need to start and do a little bit of inventory. What is the domino that tips all the other dominos for you? What is the one thing that prevents you from being more productive? Start there!
“Your nighttime routine is the catalyst for everything that happens in your day.”
#3 – Be More Productive – Set A Realistic Timeline
If you are doing this alone, without an accountability partner, you don’t talk to your spouse or your kids, you’re not in a community of others that are trying to do the same thing you are, expect it to take 2 to 3 months, maybe 6 if you keep backsliding.
If you want to have this specific part of your life completely 100% done within the next 2 to 5 days you can hop inside the Systemize Your Life Academy. You will get community and accountability.
We are here to support you and come alongside you so you can be more productive every day of your life even with your busy schedule! Make sure to read on to day two to find out how you can get more time for yourself because all busy moms need some more of that!

Frequently Asked Questions
What do I do if I don't have anyone to keep me accountable?
You need accountability and we have that for you! Our free Facebook community is ready help you get life back on track and keep it that way. We also have weekly group coaching calls that will hold you accountable when you join the Systemize Your Life Academy. You can’t do this alone and we want to support you!