

Crunchy mom of two, married to my favorite boy for life, and lover of dark chocolate peanut butter cups!
I went from nearly losing my mind and business to an intentional, successful woman all because of systems.

I'm Chelsi Jo

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Take Your Home From Overwhelmed To Organized In 4 Weeks

Keep Your Sleep And Sanity. 3 Ultimate Steps For Running A Productive and Successful Business

February Book Review

October 14, 2022


The real take away from today is how to be productive and run a successful business without sacrificing your life in the process. It seems so noble to be a work from home mom, but we all know that the amount of sacrifice it takes to run a house and run a business that isn’t just a hobby takes a lot of work. Some days we even wonder if it’s too much work for one person to do, and based on the amount of sleep you’re currently losing to make it happen, that just might be the case. I promise you though, it doesn’t have to be that way. Inside of today’s episode I am going to give you the three ways you can really make this happen and keep your sanity. Tune in to find out exactly how!

Listen below for the entire episode on The Systemize Your Life Podcast

First things first!

The real crux that I want to share with you today is how to get rid of that overworked, overwhelmed, pulled in a million different directions lifestyle. With everything that makes your world go round and round all day long, day in and day out, I want to share the 3 steps that make it the most productive and successful that it can possibly be. Making the most impact in the places that you’re able to show up is where we really want to focus. The way we are going to tackle this head on is by taking inventory. I’m going to provide you with three main chunks that I want you to really go over and understand so you know how to go forward with them and put them into action.

First item on the list for inventory? Your home

When I say your home, I mean your house and everything in it. The people who live in it, yourself included, your marriage, your children, EVERYTHING. Taking the fundamental needs assessment that is provided in my workbook really helps to do this kind of inventory. What is failing in your home? What is keeping you from moving forward? Or what are some of your biggest challenges? Marriage, finances, chores, disobedient children, lack of sleep, lack of exercise? What is it? Figure those things out first and then write those things down.

Second item on the list? Your business

Do you have clarity on how you are going to earn money and produce an income? How you’re going to provide a specific service? A game plan? One of the biggest mistakes I have seen and I’m guilty of doing myself, is using the spaghetti model. Throwing things/ideas at the wall and seeing if they stick. For some people this method works great and they are okay with taking the extra 1-2 years to see if the process really works out. Some really enjoy figuring out the process on their own, however, this can honestly take years to see what truly works and what needs to be adjusted.

Your other option? You can go with a method that you KNOW will be successful and have seen executed by others. But the most important question right now is, what is your plan? Write it down and then ask yourself if you are confident with your plan?

Third item on the list? Your ability to combine number 1 and 2

How well can you execute your plan? Are you prepared to start and grow your business? If not, what pieces are you still missing? Having a business plan in place and an official brand might be the next step for you, but you have take inventory on what it is that you are still needing.

Now after you have sat down and taken note of all the inventories, circle everything on the list that is easy for you to accomplish. Everything else that needs to be worked on, consider if out sourcing it would be an option. Are there things that you know someone else might be able to take off your plate so you can truly focus on the things that you know are in your control?

This list might feel overwhelming at first, but there are 3 different steps that we can go over together to make this all feel very achievable.

“The point here is this, you have to put yourself out there and make this thing real! You have to open yourself up and get a little scared in order to make it happen.”

1. Inventory for your home:

  • Create your fundamental needs and get serious about them. Actually do these fundamental things and write them into your time blocks and paper planners.

  • Get very familiar with the time block method. Use your google calendar, write it all down in a paper planner, however you are managing and organizing these needs, take them seriously! If I am going to stress anything, it is this! Your time blocks should be your daily bell schedule.

  • Create systems for your house. Create systems for everything to include your marriage, your motherhood, your business, all of the things. It is the easiest thing on the list, but the biggest game changer.

2. What Can you do?

  • First things first, you have to get clarity about what it is that you’re doing. Who are you serving, what are you selling, and what are you providing? The point of all of this is to have a successful business. I know that many of us feel like we can do all the things, but in all honesty, that’s not reality. We can’t do it all. Pick the things that you know you can do, and focus on those.

  • Don’t slave your life away to social media. Make sure you’re not marketing your whole life and business on these platforms.

  • Use a proven method. Some like the spaghetti method, but please do NOT make things up as you go! Consider the things you’re good at and are able to do, but for the things that you aren’t able to accomplish, get help on these things.

3. Make this dream official!

  • Make it legitimate. Make this an operating business that you can execute.

  • Make a plan to showcase your business. Maybe it’s an official launch because your original launch never took place. Don’t make promises to yourself and break them. You don’t ever want to look back a have regrets about the things your didn’t follow through on. Commit to it and push forward. Naturally things will get hard but the next piece of advice helps when those times surface.

  • Find a community! This is so incredibly important! Having someone who can understand all the things you are going through is vital. Find someone who is just as equally yoked up as you are. Someone with the same goals that you have will help keep you on track when you need it most. It might be someone you already know, or it might be someone you meet through an online platform. It doesn’t matter! Find your community! The point here is this, you have to put yourself out there and make this thing real! You can’t sit and hide behind your computer, your profiles, and think that that is going to magically work and fall into place. You have to open yourself up and get a little scared in order to make it happen.

Now what?

Now once you take a look at all these things you might think to yourself, “Now what? Where do I go from here?” Don’t worry, this is where you go from here. You look at these 3 steps and prioritize which you need to do first considering which one your are lacking in the most. Is it your systems? Your fundamental needs? Clarity for your business? Maybe it’s the actual commitment part of growing your business. What ever it is, you need to really sit down and figure out which one needs your attention first and really execute that step so that you can move on to the next one with confidence and a firm foundation. Your other option? Get the POWER BUNDLE!! This is going to provide you with The Systemize Academy, Clarify Your Calling and Podcast Pro University, and finally Faith Filled Business Blue Print! It’s absolutely beautiful and will change your life. Hands down that best investment you can get your hands on! These courses will honestly change your life within the first couple of weeks using them. Click here to find out more information.

If you have any more questions I would love to hear them over in the Facebook community or you can always feel free to drop me a DM over in Instagram. Until next time, you can always catch more podcasts here on the blog.

how to feel less overwhelmed while running a business

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I access the resources mentioned in this post?

They’re all accessible right here on my website! I have the free time blocking workbook to help you build the right schedule for you and be more productive, the fundamental needs workbook to help you prioritize your core needs and integrate them into your routines, and I even have a workshop for you to put it all together! And if you’d like a little extra help come join my Systemize Your Life Academy that will take you from overwhelmed to confident in just four weeks. I’ll teach you how you can take your time and make it work for you!

3 steps to understanding how to run a successful business for moms
the 3 steps to discover your business priorities

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I'm Chelsi Jo



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I'm Chelsi Jo


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And I am so glad you are here.

I'm Chelsi Jo