How do you take control of your time as a work from home mom? When we look hard at all the time we have in the in a day, for some of us, it is unclear where we will find time. That time it takes to finish the projects around the house, or to focus long enough to get client work done, or even do the job from home we get paid to do from the company is important. The daily distractions we have to do over and over and over again, from dishes to laundry, to kids, to schedules, to emails. All of the things can be so overwhelming and likely outnumber all of the hours and minutes that you have.
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The Solution to Getting Uninterrupted Time Back
The good news is every problem has a solution depending on how you view it. Sometimes it takes a new set of eyes and creative problem-solving to opening up and getting that free time back. It is important that you take control of your time without distractions and get the job done. I will give you five ways to get ten hours of uninterrupted work time. As a busy mom your work is important.
Taking that Time Back
Today, we are talking about a massive extension of this life that many of us are trying to live. Why is it so important to taking back control of your work hours? And what we are trying to do here. Initially it can be difficult to even try to get just ten hours of uninterrupted time back into your week. Even I have tried so many things over the years at least ten years, and I have been juggling this for a very long time.
Before this, I had one kid; she went everywhere with me on my back. She was not a great napper; she would only sleep on me when I could work, so I often worked late. But I also did not have a complete family at the time. I was working a corporate job. I had an event-based business with my mom, so we worked on the weekends. When I met Blaine, and we started a family obviously, it got complicated because we now had four people in the house.
The Hustle
Frankie was coming and going because she wasn’t with me full-time. It was a lot of complicated things when I was going to work. And every season of my life when I get uninterrupted time to sit down and focus changes. And it should, it should even change for you, and it should change for everyone because nothing ever stays the same.
Your kids grow, and you grow. As you also get older, and you get tired. And, I am just tired. I am turning 40 over here, and I am just tired. And it is truly a focal point for me not to stay up late and work. That is why I needed control over my time. I have discussed what is not working for me in a previous post, and working late is not working for me anymore.
My Own Struggle Finding Work Time
So I have set up a new schedule for myself and this new season that I am in. I finally committed to a set schedule even though my life doesn’t run on a set schedule. If you have been reading the blog for some time, my husband is a firefighter. Blaine is home when he’s home. And when he is not home, he is not home. Several people understand this type of schedule, which complicates things in the consistent and routine world. But that is why I have created everything that I have here to help take control of my time as a busy mom.
That is why I started, and the Systemize Your Life Program community, came from. It was because I had to have something ground me to succeed. Finding consistency and steady hours of time back in your week is not complicated. I could succeed without being bombarded by people, even when I have many others to care for and a lot on my to-do list. I have countless times I have tested, tried, and collected data on when is the best time for me to work.
Your Time and Dreams Matter
Sometimes my schedule changes for me a week to week, quarter to quarter, and year to year. So I have to be okay with the fact that it will change and not be the same. It is not going to be perfect when you are learning how to take control of your time, and it is not going to be the same. And it might be perfect for you. You might have a monotonous super static schedule. I can’t tell you how many people I have worked with who don’t have cars, don’t have transportation, and they have nothing. And we still manage them and their teeny, tiny kiddos and get uninterrupted work, when they take control of their work hours. The thing about it is I have never given up on my dreams. I have never thrown in the towel or thrown my passions to the side. I have always returned to me; regardless of when I get off track, I have always made a comeback.
Taking Control of Your Time
Today you will learn what you are doing and switch things up to find those ten hours of uninterrupted work time. You will learn what you are doing and switch things up to find a better way of working. I will give you five different scenarios to learn how to take control of your time. None of these five will fit you ideally, but it will still teach how simple math is in finding the necessary hours.
1. A Shift – 530am-830am
First, you must remove yourself emotionally from the chaos you are currently living in, in order to take control of your work hours again. Then look strategically at what you have on your plate and what we have to work with here. For fun, my husband has different shifts at work, so I will be using those as examples. They have an A shift B shift.
A shift, if you are an early riser, you have two and a half hours to yourself before the kids wake up I would work 5-630am and that is how I started this entire business. It is important try getting a small warrior nap sandwiched in-between the day. For those of you who get to bed early, this is perfect for you. However, I have a hard and fast rule: you don’t cut into your eight hours of sleep because you burn out. If you want to learn more about fundamental needs I have a workbook you can checkout here.
2. B Shift
B shifter, this looks like one hour in your morning routing block, then a quick hour in the evening after everyone goes to bed. This is my least favorite because I am usually tired at the end of the day, and if Blain is home, I want to spend time with him. Also, if I get super into what I am doing, I can end up working late, and I just talked about how that breaks my number one rule. But this can work if you are super disciplined. If you grab the Systemized Your Life Program, you can learn my entire operating system. You will know everything you will be doing every day of the week and not have to work on the weekend. You can focus on your house chores or you can focus on your 9-5.
3. C Shift
C shift is two hours every time at nap time, or even throw in an extra hour in the morning. You can start and grow an online business in just fifteen hours a week. I did it for just 15 hours a week. I started with just four hours a week, then grew to 6, then 8, then 10 hours a week. Then I decided I needed 12, then 15, and then 20 hours.
So it just incrementally grew over time. You will be able to do the same thing. And that depended on my children getting older and needing me less. You have to know everything I discussed, and the season will change. I remember being so dependent on nap time that it created this rift between Bailey and me. She didn’t want to nap, and I needed to work. So we worked on the independent play, and I went to the A shift because I didn’t have C shift anymore, and that is why I said to do it during nap time and then the power hour in the morning. When that nap time is nonexistent, you have backup hours in the morning.
” …what I want you to take from this is knowing exactly all of those step you can take together and how much time you can save by having this systemized. ”
4. Swing Shift
Swing Shift. You can work two hours every day after homeschool ends. If you are a homeschool mom or have little kiddos that you are involved with but are not napping. I always say stay-at-home moms or work from home moms that your super involved with them in the morning. Then you use screen time later or let them play outside, or you have any activity basket ready for them . If you have kids who don’t go to school yet. If you can get them structured during that morning, they are done with you afterward. Sometimes it may be interrupted. It may take 6-8 weeks of what this looks like every day. You have to be overpowered. You have to work hard for this, but it is possible.
5. Split shift.
This is where we get creative, when it can seem impossible to take control of your work hours. What if you work Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday? You may have a co-op on Saturday. Let’s sit down and write out your resources for having your kid in someone else’s care. One day a week, you get to go to a co-working space or a coffee shop if you get a five-hour shift on Saturday. If you need more help with finding a work life balance when finding how to balance it all when you take control of your time check out this workshop here.
Sleep Habits
There are so many ways you can create your own ten hours when you take control of your work hours. And I want to give you the rebuttal I get a lot of time if your kids are on a great sleep schedule. If you are pregnant, go and check out Taking Care of Babies. I live and die by the training and education I have about their kid’s sleep habits. Psychologists, doctors, and mothers all believe that having strong sleep habits for their children is ideal.
Will your kids benefit from better sleep habits? Start there; that is where you start. The excuses I hear are I don’t have family nearby, my kids don’t sleep, and my husband works. Where do you start? Would your kids benefit from consistency? What is in your control where you can create consistency? Start there. Do you need to move your kids out of your bedroom and into their own? Start there. My team and I are there and will assist you with those decisions.

Frequently Asked Questions
What would time blocking look like for me?
If you are looking for ways to start time blocking your day, I recommend checking out my free workbook on time blocking here. I would love to see you in the Systemized Your Life Community Facebook Group, so you can get my support as you learn how to take back control and systemize your time as a busy mom. I hope to see you there!