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Balancing Business Series: 3 Steps to Maintain a Work Life Balance and Be Successful in Business

work life balance - chelsijo

March 31, 2023


Welcome to the Balancing Business Series! Day 1 is all about the vital steps for you to maintain a work life balance, while growing a successful business. This 4 part series is where we will get into the nitty-gritty of how to get that manageable work-life balance. 

Many of us want to contribute and use our skills and passions outside of the home and being a mom. The problem starts when we feel like we are neglecting our family. Growing your business with little time and being available for your family is completely doable. If you want to be successful in every area of your life dive into this post and take notes!

Listen below for the entire episode on The Systemize Your Life Podcast

How To Manage Your Home and Business and Maintain a Work Life Balance

I completely understand that feeling of straddling the fence and trying to do everything. I struggled to figure it out, and now here I am. This is your chance to really say “I’m all in” and take your business seriously. Let’s have a successful business while also feeling fulfilled in business and life. Therefore, here are the 3 steps you need in order to find work life balance in your busy life!

Step 1: Create a Vision of What You Really Want

The first step that you need to do to have a work life balance is to get a clear vision of what it is that you want. Don’t overthink this, just follow the steps below. I have all my students do this in The Academy and it is incredible what it an do for your mindset.

Write a January Letter

Write a letter to yourself 12 months from now, as if you are in that place right now and you are already experiencing all the incredible things you dream of. Every day we have these thoughts, dreams and hopes for things in the future. I want you to put pen to paper and commit to it as if it’s something you have already done. 

All of those dreams that are on your heart right now are very real, and they are there for a reason. Without you being willing to acknowledge them, they will sit on the back burner for even longer than they already have. How long have these dreams been on the back burner for you – probably a long time?

Let Go of the Fear

I know it is scary to put something on paper or out into the world if you are not sure that it will succeed. This is a private exercise between you and a piece of paper. This is where faith comes in. You have to believe that these thoughts and dreams in your heart are on purpose. They are there because you are fully equipped to do exactly what you have dreamed about. 

It is time to get very clear on what you want and don’t want to be doing with your time. Instead of wasting all your days, hours, and minutes with lost dreams just swirling around in your heart and mind, let’s make them happen. 

“This is where faith comes in. You have to believe that these thoughts and dreams in your hearts are on purpose. They are there because you are fully equipped to do exactly what you have dreamed about.” 

It is your turn to write down what it is that you really want to do with your free time. If you get stuck ask yourself these questions to help work through the letter. What are your goals for keeping up with the house? What kind of mom do you want to be? How much time do you want to spend on yourself? Do you have systems in place in your home and your business? Have you thought about the nuts and bolts for your business dream? What do you want to accomplish with this business and the money you make from it? What do you want to accomplish by utilizing your passion and talents? 

Remember there is no judgment while writing this letter. This is for your eyes only so set aside the worry and fear and just start writing.

Step 2: Plan Your Work Blocks to Achieve More Work Life Balance

The second step to create a work life balance is to figure out where your work blocks will be. It doesn’t matter whether you want to make money from home or work outside of the home. You have to have hours in your day set aside to work.

If that self-doubt is coming up and your first reaction is: “it’s not going to happen – I can’t find the time” or “I’ve got too much on my plate,” there are systems that you can put in place to go forward and accomplish everything that you put in your January letter from step one. 

Step 3: Get Organized

If you are trying to grow your business and you want to grow it without consuming your entire life, then this step is very important. You have to get super organized. You must be organized if you want to make the most out of a small fraction of your day and your week. I can accomplish in 20 hours a week what most business owners do in 40 or 50 hours a week. I can say that with tangible proof. I’ve been working with and coaching extraordinarily high-level business owners for a while. During this time I’ve realized that they work a lot many more hours than I do. I’ve been able to grow my business in very few hours each and every week, by getting super organized. And you will be able to grow yours too.

You Must Be Organized to Succeed

This is going to either be super hard for you or super easy. Your kryptonite may be organization, and that is okay. If you live under mountains and mountains of paper and clutter, your computer files are a hot mess, you are swimming in to-do lists, and the thought of getting your act together in this department gives you hives, that is okay, we’ve got a plan for you. You might also be on the other end of the spectrum and think you do not have much to organize. Either way, you don’t have a choice; you must get organized on all sides – your business and home. 

If you are trying to grow a business, make money from home, and are not organized, you will not succeed. I’m not a Debbie downer, but I know that to be true. That might discourage you but know there is a solution to this problem, and you can fix it. If you want to succeed at making money and you don’t want to spend a million hours doing it, neglect your house in the process, use screens to babysit and entertain your kids, or microwave 9 out of 10 meals for the week, you’ve got to get organized on all fronts. 

3 Steps to Create Your Work Blocks to Achieve Work Life Balance

#1: Add Events and Appointments to Your Calendar:

First off, all of your events and appointments need to be in your calendar for the next day or week. You can do this weekly, daily or monthly, whatever works for you. This will give show you the times and dates that you are unavailable. To get started with time blocking download my free Time Blocking Workbook.

#2: Put Your Fundamental Needs in the Calendar:

Secondly, every fundamental need has to be in your calendar as well. If you need help with this step download my free Fundament Needs workbook to walk you through the process.

#3: Establish Work Blocks:

You can now go into your calendar and establish your work blocks with the time you have left.

Work Life Balance Starts Here

This is a great place to start and exactly where I started. I used whatever time I had left for my work blocks. Anything outside of events, appointments and my fundamental needs are open for work blocks. If there was no possible time left, I got scrappy. I figured out where I could move things around inside of my time blocks to make sure I had some time. Slowly but surely I went from 2 hours a week to 5 hours a week to 7 hours a week. We adjusted our lifestyle as the income and seasons of our lives changed. Every week your work blocks can change depending on your lifestyle, which is okay if you are prioritizing them.

Prioritize Your Work

I’ve learned over this process how to prioritize this work because I now have a full fledge company. I know that I have to do this, and I want to do this. I am still trying to figure out how to fit everything in, like birthdays and extracurricular activities. But I always come back to these three steps to ensure that I am getting those work blocks in my schedule. 

You can learn more time blocking tips to make the most of your work block here. Additionally, there are three main areas to focus on when it comes to organizing if you want to be successful at balancing your home life and your business.

3 Areas to Organize to Be Successful at Work Life Balance

#1: Your Home:

The clutter has got to go, and I promise you, you can do this quickly and simply without the headache. I use the ESCAPE method and teach this inside The Academy. Don’t let the decluttering discourage you; it does have to go because we are trying to make what you do in your home way more efficient. As a result you’ll save time, so you can take that time. 

It doesn’t seem like much, but 5 minutes, 10 times throughout the day is almost an hour. Do you know what you can do with an extra 5 hours a week? You can use that to start, grow and change your income potential. That is just 5 minutes. The amount of efficiency you can bring to your life with these systems can blow your mind to the point where you will get at least 2 hours a day, 10 hours a week.

#2: Your Work Tasks:

These need to be automated, easy to find and ready for you to take action every time you sit down to work. All of the things swirling around in your brain that you have to do in your business, you need to get that out of your brain and get it somewhere to automate it. I have workflows and an operating system, which is ideal and what has worked for me and thousands of other people.

I use MeisterTask for my systems and it is a life saver! What you need is a way to manage your tasks in a way that is automated. Something that you can go to every time you sit down to work, and it helps you know exactly what to do and how to do it.

#3: Your Computer:

In addition to your work tasks being organized, your computer needs to be organized. We don’t want to search for files or images to determine where our documents and projects are. When my links, documents, and folders are in the right place, I am a lean, mean, efficient producing machine. That is the goal! You have to do maintenance to keep your systems flowing.

Inside my task management system, I have a task card every month that tells me to clean out my files, back up my hard drive and organize my computer so that I don’t get bogged down on that. If you want to learn how to do this specifically, listen to this episode of the podcast for a a breakdown of my 5 step system to get your computer organized.

How to Have Work Life Balance in Your Own Life

It is absolutely possible for you to successfully grow your business the way I have and still be available for your family and home. Let’s recap the 3 work life balance steps you can take to ensure you’re living a life you love while having a successful business:

  1. Have a clear vision of what you want
  2. Time to figure out when your work blocks are going to be
  3. Organization 

Do the Work!

Take some time, write your January letter and start on your time blocks and organization. Head over to the Facebook group, and let us know how it has helped you gain some clarity on the vision you want and I’ll catch you right back here for day 2 in the Balancing Balance Series.

If you need more and are ready, you can head over and jump inside Systemize Your Biz, where we go really deep on this entire topic. From daily, weekly, and monthly tasks, to client management, sales, content creation, and all your big projects, Systemize Your Biz covers it all.

work life balance cheslijo

Frequently Asked Questions

I've never time blocked before, how do I get started?

That’s ok! The first thing you need to know is what your priorities are. You want to know what tasks you need to get into your week. Use my fundamental needs workbook to really flesh out what is important to you. Once you understand what you are trying to accomplish each week, then you need to learn how to put it all in your schedule. Download my time blocking workbook and I can walk you through figuring that out, too! To get a more in-depth look I’d suggest listening to episode 117 and episode 248 of the Systemize Your Life Podcast.

work life balance as a mom cheslijo
work life balance and successful business chelsijo

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