Today we are going to discuss busy mom tips and figure out what areas of your life you can strip down to the basics. When the holidays start creeping in, do you feel like a crazy busy mom, overwhelmed, and armed with a mile long to-do list? We have all been there! However, it’s time to let go of the busy, busy, busy way of life. If your joy has been missing for a hot minute, keep reading!
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Feeling Overwhelmed and Looking For Busy Mom Tips?
Every single time I get busy and overwhelmed, my first immediate reaction and go-to method is to simplify! Everyone struggles in life. We make things harder for ourselves than we have to. I get glimpses into other people’s lives and realize that they are making things too complicated.
Basic is how we are hardwired to go about life. Things have gotten so incredibly complicated because of all the options we are given. We are, however, totally in control of what we spend time on, what we consume, and how we set up our way of life. You don’t have to fall into the trap of being constantly busy! There is another way.
It takes the skill of sitting back, examining what all we are responsible for and reassessing how to handle those responsibilities. When we understand our own behaviors, understand why we want to do things, and how we got ourselves here, we can get to an even better place.
Busy Mom Tips – Assess the Situation
It is vital to assess the situation and simplify to make change moving forward. Do you feel the weight of motherhood, housework, business, and personal stress? Are you living in a space of having so much to do and not getting everything done that needs to get done? Do you continue to live in chronic chaos and clutter? Is the weight of life feeling so heavy on your shoulders?
If the answer to these questions is a resounding YES, let’s go ahead and get basic. I understand feeling like you want to burn it all down and start all over again. We just hit these moments where we want to get rid of everything. Those moments when everyone better hold onto their things because mom is pulling out the black garbage bag!
Going From Busy Mom to Basic in Every Area of Life – Busy Moms Tips
So today, we will discuss 13 different ways that you can go from busy to basic. You are totally in control and responsible. That moment can be very discouraging but I want you to flip that script upside down. I want you to recognize that you are incredibly capable. You have plenty of control and might not know what to do with that capability and control.
You don’t have to show up all day long to totally crush it. It is totally possible to crush it in one super small area of your life and keep doing that until you can build on another super small area of your life. It’s a beautiful domino effect. Just keep taking one small area on at a time. That ripple effect will continue to seep into all areas of your life. It takes focus on one area and getting it so basic that it paves the way for other areas to feel less chaotic.
“It is possible to crush it in one super small area of your life and keep doing that until you can build on another super small area of your life.”
Find Joy in the Process
Maybe you are using your busy-ness as a crutch or maybe you’re taking full responsibility. You could be in a really bad pattern of self deprecating. Let’s flip it around and use that busy lifestyle as motivation to calm the chaos and get back to the basics.
The decision to stay overwhelmed to stay in his chronic state of being discontent is not serving you. The number one thing that you cannot experience when you are too busy is joy. It’s hard to feel it, see it, and to know it.
Simple changes on the outside are great but so much of this revolves around what you’re thinking on the inside. These two go hand-in-hand. Anything you want to change in life starts on the inside. It starts with the thoughts about changes you want to make in your home, life, business, finances, with your kids, etc. What is happening on the inside has to be mirrored on the inside and vice versa.
Questions to Ask Yourself Before Diving Into Our Busy Mom Tips
What are you really believing in?
Are you taking the time to dream? If so, what are those dreams?
Take time to listen to your thoughts. What are you telling yourself on the inside?
What are you planning for?
These questions are so important. Make sure to answer them before you dive into these 13 ways you can go from busy to super basic.
13 Busy Moms Tips to Avoid Overwhelm and Crush It
Take a moment to think about why it’s taking this long to get to where you feel like you’re ready to make a move into a more basic, less busy life. But maybe you’re not ready yet, maybe you’re reading this and it’s just the beginning of thinking about how to strip pieces of your life down to the basics. Either way, I hope you take at least one of these 13 areas and run with it!
Busy Mom Tips: #1 – Reassess Your Food & Meal Plans
Our first busy mom tip is to reassess your food and meal plans. Ask yourself if your current meal plan system is working. If the answer is no, throw the whole thing out. Just go ahead and burn down your current system. The quickest way to get results is to find a proven plan. Ask a trusted friend or family member if a system is working for them and try it. Then, tweak it to work for you.
The way I have simplified our meal plan is by going straight down to proteins, carbs, vegetables and fruit. Make it so simple. Commit to show up for planning, prepping, and eating food. Make it insanely basic and you are sure to stick to your new system.
#2 – Declutter Your House Decor
Busy mom tip number two is all about your house decor. When we recently moved, we got rid of a ton of house decor in the process. It has been so nice and I highly recommend just getting rid of it. Lots of decor is actually visual clutter. When it’s gone, you can breathe again.
#3 – Go Through Keepsakes
The third busy mom tip is to go through your keepsakes. I understand that it’s sometimes difficult to let go of sentimental items. My oldest child is a keeper. She loves keeping everything. However, if everything is special then nothing is special. The key to simplifying your keepsakes is to define a space for them. Limit yourself as to what you keep. A small box is great. A container to hold those things you hold dear is the key to making keepsakes still feel special.
#4 – Organize Your Workspace
The fourth busy mom tip is to organize your workspace. Take a look at your office and see what needs to be removed, thrown away, donated, etc. Keep only the things in your space that have to be there. Take a look at the systems you implement in your work life. Take the time to simplify those as well. This will help you to show up and be so incredibly efficient in your work life.
#5 – Simplify Your Workouts
Our fifth busy mom tip is to take a good look at your workout routine. Do you currently workout? If not, are you making it too complicated? The more simple you can make your workouts, the better. Exercise doesn’t have to be difficult squeezing into your day. Go for a walk, run, go to the gym. Get consistent, show up, and do it.
#6 – Declutter Your Makeup Drawer
The sixth busy mom tip is to downsize that make up drawer! Go through your nail polish, mascara, eye shadow, all of it. Whatever you haven’t worn in YEARS, throw it away. Just strip it down to what you currently use. It will feel so good.
#7 – Declutter Those Accessories
Busy mom tip number seven is to go through all of your accessories! These include shoes, belts, purses, bags, earrings, all your jewelry, hats, socks, etc. Pair it all down. Get those items down to what you actually like and wear. Simplify it all and get them super basic.
#8 – Realign Your Business Goals & Projects
The eighth busy mom tip is to realign your business goals and projects. What are the 3-4 goals you have in your business in the next year? The businesses that I see succeed the most are the ones that get extra basic. Delete the things that aren’t making money. Put your blinders on. Focus on the next step and maintain clear focus. That is when you will hit those goals and complete those projects.
#9 – Strip Down Your Schedule
The next busy mom tip on our list is to strip that schedule down. What are the basic things? Your time blocks, your routine stacks, fundamental needs, and zone cleaning. These main four areas are what we focus on in the Systemize Your Life community. When you do this, everything in your life will change.
#10 – Take a Look at How You Are Packing
The tenth busy mom tip is all about packing. Whether it be packing for a day at the zoo or a week-long beach trip, you don’t need a lot of stuff to get you from point A to point B. Make it basic. Bring what you need, with a certain level of preparedness and let the rest go.
#11 – Simplify Your Budget
Busy mom tip number eleven is to simplify your budget. Oh, you don’t have a budget? More than likely, the reason why you don’t have one is because you’re overcomplicating it. Make it simple and you will actually stick to it. It does take some time on the front end to get a budget in a simplistic format. After this initial step is taken care of, budgets are a breeze from there!
#12 – Restructure Your Entertainment
The next busy mom tip is to think about what you’re doing to entertain your kids and yourself. We are going from busy to basic here. Take away the screens and tech. Screens are so busy. They don’t teach us how to be BORED. Let your kids learn how to be bored. It is a skill and no one is taking the time to do this. Talk about how their day has been, sit under a tree and do homework with them, play tic-tac-toe, ask them about their day. Spend quality time together.
Busy Mom Tips: #13 – Make Holidays Basic
The last, but certainly not last, busy mom tip is to make your holidays super basic. How can you do this? What makes you less busy and feeling more at ease through the holidays? See how many things you can take off your plate through November and December. Just let it be calm. Let go of things that don’t matter.
Goodbye Busy, Hello Basic – Busy Mom Tips for Less Chaos and More Breathing Room
When you can get back to the basics, life looks so much more beautiful. You will see immediate results: joy, less stress, utter relief by simply taking things off of your plate. And make what is left on your plate easy and basic.
I hope this inspires you to take one of these 13 areas and see just how basic you can get it. Life doesn’t have to be so busy to the point where all joy is gone. There is a better way to go about it. We would love to support you in our Facebook Community! And if you are ready to commit to a system that is sure to take you from busy mom to basic mom, Systemize Your Life is waiting for you. Can’t wait to see you there.

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