

Crunchy mom of two, married to my favorite boy for life, and lover of dark chocolate peanut butter cups!
I went from nearly losing my mind and business to an intentional, successful woman all because of systems.

I'm Chelsi Jo

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3 Steps To Become a Successful Work From Home Mom

3 steps to become a successful work from home mom

August 23, 2022


The world was created for you. You were created for the world. I could not be more passionate about getting women to sit down and know exactly why they were created to be a work from home mom. To be reduced to any specific role because of your gender is never something I want anyone to feel, let alone my daughters or you.
So, for years I looked at my OWN priorities and figured out how to make it all work. How to do I make sure my children thrive; that my call as a mother and wife was met but also the other calls God placed on my heart as well. Cooking, cleaning, decluttering, volunteering, being a work from home mom, meal planning, laundry…all of it.
Today we are going to dive in to what you are doing in your day so you have time to work on your passion project, your side hustle, or simply put, YOU. How do you make time to do more than motherhood. No matter where your dreams are today, this episode is for you.

Listen below for the entire episode on The Systemize Your Life Podcast

Step 1-Know Your Priorities

The most important part of being able to be a work from home mom without losing your marbles is knowing your fundamental needs. What are your priorities? Where are you spending your time? Are you truly accomplishing what you want to be? How can you take on working from home if you can barely keep up right now?
I wrote and entire blog post on how to know what your needs are in this season of life. If you are struggling and have no idea what you need, how to be satisfied, how to feel joy, how to be intentional, then grab this free workbook. It is worth one evening this week to sit down, answer the questions, and find a starting point for what to focus

“Communicating what God has put on your heart to your husband is always okay. I know it can be scary at times to open up about needing help. Communicating that you want to be more than a house wife, and mom, and to say you want to be a work from home mom is not only is it healthy it is necessary.”

Step 2- Communicate Your Needs

In order to get consistent with your commitment to your passion project, turned business, or business in the making, you have to sit down and tell your husband what you need. It couldn’t be more passionate about communication. It is the life line between all couples but specifically between you and your dreams.
Look, communication between husband and wife takes practice and let’s be real, men communicate in boxes that never touch each other and women communicate on a network system that looks a lot like a bowl of spaghetti. Blaine and I still have to work extremely hard to make our communication make sense to one another, and we don’t always get it right, but we never give up.
Communicating what God has put on your heart to your husband is always okay. I know it can be scary at times to open up about needing help. Communicating that you want to be more than a house wife, and mom, and to say you want to be a work from home mom is not only is it healthy it is necessary.
Here is how I handle communicating my ideas to my husband on a regular basis.
Every Sunday we sit down and ask each other these 6 questions.
  1. What brought you joy this past week?
  2. What was hard for you this past week?
  3. How can I pray for you this week?
  4. Is there anything left unsaid, like an apology or accolade?
  5. How can I support you this week? (as in what do you need from me)
  6. What dream do you have for this week?
I got these 6 questions from a podcast called Work and Play with Nancy Ray.
Having this time set aside each week allows me to know I will have a reserved space with listening ears from my husband. It is a safe space to bring my heart to, which for me is vital. Keeping myself from being highly emotional is hard. I attach feelings to every aspect of my life and clear communication has to have emotion, but wisdom is better. It has taken us 4 years to get to a space in our marriage where this one day a week really matters enough to make it happen. Be encouraged that little by little you can create a space to communicate your heart too.
Take your time and pray. Pray long and hard about your wants and feel truly convicted before you lay it all out on the table. There is something to be said for the confidence I have when I put my ideas out to my husband, and the world when I know God has clearly said “GO”.
The most important part is to remember you are NOT asking for permission. Bringing your wants and needs to your husband is not about finding the perfect way to get him to say yes. It’s about opening up to each other on a regular basis so that you can begin to truly KNOW each other. Your husband should be able to pray for your hearts desires and know what he can do to support you. The decisions you want to make should make both of you feel good.

Step 3-Establish a Framework

Now that you know what you need to be able to operate, and have full confidence in moving forward with the call that has been placed on your heart, it’s time to make it happen. Implementation of anything new can be hard but an entire change up to the way your day and week flows can see terribly exhausting to most mommas.
That’s why I created my 5 block system for you. This literally teaches you how to build a 5 block time blocking system that works for you.
The time blocking workbook is completely free! Click here to get your free workbook.

Start with Small Changes

Putting this system in place set me free from overwhelm and got me off the hot mess express. It will do the same for you too. It walks you through how to build in time to be a wife and a mother, and an entrepreneur. The best part is, it is not a schedule. You are getting a scheduling roadmap. What I provide is a framework that allows flexibility to deal with sick kids, inconsistent schedules, lazy days, extra creative days, and more. This is your foundation to build a successful week, every week based on life. Life is ever changing and you have a lot to do, so go get it done girl.
3 steps to become a successful work from home mom

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I get started with oils in my kid's wellness? There are so many options!

I’m still learning so much about oils too! I get it can be a little overwhelming. I have created an oil guide that goes over all my favorite oils and how I incorporate them into my routines. I’d also love to chat about it with you over in the Facebook Group if you have any questions!

how to be a successful work from home mom
3 steps to become a successful work from home mom

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I'm Chelsi Jo



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I'm Chelsi Jo


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And I am so glad you are here.

I'm Chelsi Jo