Listen below for the entire episode on The Systemize Your Life Podcast
Step 1-Know Your Priorities
“Communicating what God has put on your heart to your husband is always okay. I know it can be scary at times to open up about needing help. Communicating that you want to be more than a house wife, and mom, and to say you want to be a work from home mom is not only is it healthy it is necessary.”
Step 2- Communicate Your Needs
What brought you joy this past week?
What was hard for you this past week?
How can I pray for you this week?
Is there anything left unsaid, like an apology or accolade?
How can I support you this week? (as in what do you need from me)
What dream do you have for this week?
Step 3-Establish a Framework
Start with Small Changes

Frequently Asked Questions
How can I get started with oils in my kid's wellness? There are so many options!
I’m still learning so much about oils too! I get it can be a little overwhelming. I have created an oil guide that goes over all my favorite oils and how I incorporate them into my routines. I’d also love to chat about it with you over in the Facebook Group if you have any questions!