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Crunchy mom of two, married to my favorite boy for life, and lover of dark chocolate peanut butter cups!
I went from nearly losing my mind and business to an intentional, successful woman all because of systems.

I'm Chelsi Jo

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Take Your Home From Overwhelmed To Organized In 4 Weeks

How to Organize Your Business in 3 Steps

January 11, 2023


Want to start a business, but you are struggling with how it should be organized? Here are three steps you can use to organize your business for less overwhelm. There are so many people aching to finally do that thing that they always wanted to do. For most of us, that means growing our passions, or maybe it means growing our business. 

It could be turning that idea you have been mulling over or pouring into the last six months, the last year, and the last several years, into actions. That could look like just putting in a couple of extra hours a week. You could be finally ready to start or grow your business and this is the year you’re going to do it.

But often times the anxiety and the overwhelm you are already experiencing are holding you back. Your commitment could be real, and it could be strong that you are enthusiastic about this year. Then you think to yourself that you don’t want to feel overwhelmed about starting your business. We are going to go over all of the things you have to do to actually grow your business from home.

Listen below for the entire episode on The Systemize Your Life Podcast

It’s an exciting time to start now

You most likely have several goals for the inside of your home, your life, and your business. Those extra things that you dream about and think about. For me, it is obviously the Systemize your Life. Time flies in the new year. It is super contagious and everyone is very excited about the new year. This is an enjoyable time to be able to put some pen to paper to make some commitments.

But even more than that it doesn’t matter what time of year it is. This is an excellent time of year to leverage your environment and look at what is influencing us all around. It feels really good for everyone around you to be motivated.

This time of year is an excuse or reason to participate in the fun of things and celebrate the new year. But You should to take this excitement into the year all year long. It is really important to take that same excitement and turn it into something practical and tangible. So if you’re trying to start a business and you want to grow make that your focal point.

Let’s talk about the steps that you can take to get organized when you already have a lot going on in your life that you are trying to juggle. Between your work, your goals, or maybe you are trying to get a promotion. It’s just very clear that you actually want to make something happen that is more than just the hamster wheel of just showing up and executing on the hamster wheel you want to see some growth.

What is stopping you from starting?

You want to see some movement and now feels like a perfect time. But it’s like how? Just because it just seems like so much is already going on. Between the house, the kids, the husband, the finances, and the grocery shopping, just all the things you already have to manage. It’s like when and where does this fit in without me giving up my sleep? There are just a lot of roadblocks that can happen. You do need the time to be able to do things.

You have to have time set aside to be able to work in your business because just throwing it on your plate is overwhelming. If you are trying to do it on top of all the other things, then there are so many time management tools you can find here. if you are really struggling with that. You could be stuck with, “Where do I even find the time or how do I structure my time?”. You can go to chelsijo. co/podcastvault and find those episodes to help you.

How do you prevent getting overwhelmed?

Just knowing where to start can actually take so much time. You need to know exactly what to actually do. And when you go to actually sit down to work you don’t have time to mess around. These things are probably already at the forefront of your brain. This is something that is a common thread for so many people.

There are so many people that just throw themselves at their dreams and their goals while they’re just hustling, in this full sprint, like a marathon sprint without learning how to organize their business. When they just fall down and pass out in their bed at the end of the day. Then wake up and just try to do it again the next day. This is a pattern for a lot of people. But to encourage you, you should not have to guess what you should do on what day of the week anymore. Or have to assume that you have more things to do than what you have time for.

You should not be hiding in the dark and sitting over there and fearing how long it is going to take to get the task done. Those feelings of how you are going to organize your business are valid and those are experiences that you are living every single day, but there are solutions. There are things that you can do to truly be able to show up for 1-5 hours a day every single day and have focused time on your work regardless of what season your life is currently in. In the world of work when we talk about isolating your life just to the work you want to do or your work block.

How to organize your business as a mom

When you are looking at your business goal and how you want to organize it you have to look at some obstacles that may come up in your day-to-day life. This is when you make a shift away from that out-of-control factor that most of us moms call children. Because in your business you have full control over what you produce and when you produce it. Your children are fluid and ever-changing and evolving from minute to minute. They’re humans, and that is not something that we have control over. We can guide and start them, but at the end of the day, our children are still humans and so they’re out of our full control.

So when it comes to looking at systems and what they look like in our home. That is a completely different ballgame than what we have control over in our businesses. You have to make the shift that when it comes to the time that you spend in your business you have full control over what you produce and when you produce it.

How to Organize Your Business with Less Overwhelm

You have to leverage two things strategy and organization. There will be times when you can’t control when you are working because a child needs you. There will be times when you can control that when you thought you wouldn’t be able to. But what you produce and when you produce it is still within your control. When you sit down to work, you have the ability to control yourself 100 percent with that time. So that means you need strategy and organization.

“It’s just very clear that you actually want to make something happen that is more than just the hamster wheel of just showing up and executing on the hamster wheel you want to see some growth.”

Step One Using Strategy to Grow Your Business

Strategy means the knowing “why” and the “how” between what you actually choose to do. Strategy is not my lane, but I have learned it really well first from my experience in my event-based business. As a business owner, learning the strategy in my business is something that I continue to do. There are endless ways to grow a business. Some are faster and less time-consuming than others. And some have a better all-around return on investment than others.

For myself, making sure that the time and money that I put in had the maximum return that it possibly could. This was important because it allowed me to be able to have more time with my children than I did while I was working in a corporate setting. I gave up my entire career to do this. Even if you’re not giving up a career you are giving up time taking care of all of the other things you should be doing. You want to make that time meaningful.

Strategies that Return Your Investment

You are not investing just time but your emotions, and your trust in other people, and you are investing finances. And with those things you want to make sure there is a good return on investment. For myself, I learned my business strategy from other business owners that I wanted to mirror, by paying and networking to learn. Bottom line, I have learned the strategies that I thought have the best strategies for me and then I went all in.

One strategy is the spaghetti strategy. You pick something up, you throw it at the wall, and you see what sticks. That has the lowest ROI in my opinion. There is a lot to be said about grit and bootstrapping things. But there is a lot of grit and bootstrapping that still has to happen when you learn something because you still have to go out and do the thing. The difference between what actually works and what doesn’t work in the line of business that you are actually trying to do. That is best learned from a mentor of some sort, either paid or free

Step Two Organizing Your Business

Now here is the second thing, how to organize your business. That is hardcore my lane. So that’s where I am going to tell you right now these very specific places or tips you can focus need to focus on so that you can get organized and actually grow your business this year.

If you are asking yourself, “Well how do I get organized if I don’t have my strategy in place?” It doesn’t matter. Getting organized from day one is imperative if you want to start growing. I started systemizing my business literally from the time I had an idea with a binder with tabs and that binder grew from what tabs to knowing what a full-on company operating system is.

When do you start to organize your business?

Getting organized is not what you do when you start hiring people. Getting organized from the beginning and if you started and you are not organized guess what? You have to start organizing now. And you have to pull all of the mess out and you have to get organized from right now. If you already have systems in place and they are not working for you guess what? Don’t slap a bandaid on that bad boy fix it. Get rid of them. Put in the organization that is clear for you.

How to organize your business using DWM

First, you need to know what to do and when to do it in your business into three categories.

  • Daily
  • Weekly
  • Monthly

Write it down even if you have to guess. Once you have done this you will learn what needs to be done on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. Then if you need to change or add something you can. But this is so you can find a starting point right now. You need to learn how long it takes you to actually do every single one of those tasks in your business.

Going through this process is going may seem difficult and tedious but once it is done you’ll see that it actually works. But I am not kidding when I made people go through this process. They hated me for a minute, and then once they actually see that it works.

For the people, I have made do this they say that it has saved them a tone of money and a ton of time. They can get back to their lives and there is a huge return they organized and it’s amazing that they thank me. You need to learn everything. Everything you need to do daily, weekly, monthly, and how long it takes to do those things.

How to Organize Your Business Quarterly and Yearly

Next, is to know what project you want to complete either by the quarter or by the year. Sometimes you can’t see that far out into the year. Try to break that down to what you want to do in the first, second, and third quarters then take everything left over.

Lastly, what do you need to do in your business? You need to build an operating system to house all of that information that you just wrote down on a piece of paper. These things cannot live on a to-do list. Where I stopped using my workflows and went into my to-do list could. It wasn’t good let’s just say that. It doesn’t work.

Step Three – Knowing When to Upgrade Your Operating System

It just happens when you outgrow something and you don’t keep up with it. And that is where you at right now you have either outgrown something, you don’t even have an operating system, or you’re just starting. You need a software platform that you so you can easily automate and use and remain consistent. I chose to use Meistertask, you can go to meistertask.com, and it is super inexpensive. They have a free version or the paid version and everything that you could ever need is there. Here is my affiliate link if you would like to check it out.

It will grow with you to a million-dollar company and works for teams of all different sizes. So Meistertask. is definitely where you should go to build out a series of workflows, your daily weekly monthly which we will call your DWMs. It will hold all of your projects from start to finish and what they look like. Your content calendar, everything that your business does daily weekly monthly should be organized in there.

How to plan your workflow

You need to know what days you are going to operate each part of the operating system. So when you show up to that workflow you need to know what days are you going to be working on those projects. Ask yourself these important questions.

  • What days are you going to be writing your blogs?
  • What days are you doing quiet work?
  • When are you doing all of those things it should be assigned?

How does organizing your business prevent getting overwhelmed?

It should be very very clear, and there should be no wonder in your brain at all when things should be done. Everything should be laid out for you because if not you will be thinking about it when you are cooking dinner, and when you are helping your kids with homework.

Whatever that looks like your work has no business trying to be wrapped up in those things at all. We try and we try so hard, but it makes us grumpy. It makes us irritable it makes us less than what we really want to show up as. It makes me less in so many ways.

When I sit down and I really have the backend of my business in this manner. Which we do, I really can’t like frankly operate or function without it . Anything in my head that is for my work anymore at all outside my work block. All of the other facets of my life. And I don’t want my work to come home with me. There is actually no boundary, I am doing this from outside of my home.

Why is it important to know how to organize your business?

There have been times when my operating system is outdated. We have grown right. Because of the things we have added. Maybe you have added a new service or maybe you add on an extra blog or Youtube video. Whatever that looks like you have to make sure that your workflows and that your organization at the back look like those things.

Looking back there at the end of 2020 going into the winter I remember breaking down and crying to my husband Blaine that I wanted a “normal” job again to avoid the stress. So I know that these are the steps to help you get organized If you want any help or have any questions join us over in the Facebook group so that we can support you on your journey. There are the three steps you need to get organized in your business

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