


Crunchy mom of two, married to my favorite boy for life, and lover of dark chocolate peanut butter cups!
I went from nearly losing my mind and business to an intentional, successful woman all because of systems.

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Take Your Home From Overwhelmed To Organized In 4 Weeks

Simple Systems That Transform Life & Business

Chelsi Jo Simple Systems To Transform Your Home And Business

August 25, 2024


When you hear the word “systems,” it might sound like something reserved for businesses or high-powered executives. But the truth is, creating systems in your daily life can be the key to unlocking a more organized, peaceful, and productive existence. Just ask Alyssa, who, after battling postpartum depression and nearly losing her piano lesson business, found success by implementing simple, effective systems.

Listen Below For The Entire Episode On The Systemize Your Life Podcast

Realizing the Need for Change

Alyssa remembers the exact moment she knew things had to change. “I was standing in my kitchen, kids running around, feeling like I was drowning in tasks,” she recalls. “I couldn’t keep up with everything, and I knew something had to give.”

For Alyssa, the struggle wasn’t just about managing day-to-day chaos—it was deeper. After the birth of her second child, she found herself battling postpartum depression. “I felt like I was failing in every area of my life,” she admits. “My home was a mess, my kids were cranky, and I was losing clients left and right in my piano lesson business.”

Her depression made it difficult to find the motivation to keep up with her responsibilities, and soon, the disarray in her home mirrored the turmoil she felt inside. “I wasn’t being the mom or the person I wanted to be because I was so consumed by the chaos,” Alyssa says.

Implementing Systems

The idea of creating systems might seem daunting, especially when you’re already overwhelmed, but Alyssa emphasizes that it’s about starting small and focusing on areas that cause the most stress. “I began by identifying my pain points—the moments that consistently made my day harder,” she explains. “For me, that was the morning routine.”

Here’s how Alyssa tackled her chaotic mornings and began to reclaim control over her life:

  1. Evening Prep for Smooth Mornings: “I started by laying out the kids’ clothes and packing lunches the night before,” she says. “It sounds simple, but it made a huge difference in how our mornings felt. Suddenly, we weren’t rushing around as much, and I felt more in control.” This small change was the first step in her journey toward regaining stability and peace in her home.
  2. Creating a Consistent Wake-Up Routine: Alyssa established a consistent wake-up time, giving her enough space to breathe before diving into the day’s demands. “I set my alarm 30 minutes earlier, just to have that quiet time for myself,” she says. “It helped me start the day with a clear mind instead of feeling like I was already behind.” This time became her sanctuary, allowing her to start each day with intention rather than anxiety.
  3. Delegating Tasks: “I realized I didn’t have to do everything myself,” Alyssa says. She started assigning small tasks to her children, like setting the table or putting away their toys. “It’s amazing how much responsibility kids can take on when you give them the opportunity.” By involving her children in the daily routine, Alyssa not only lightened her load but also taught her kids valuable life skills. Read more about how to empower your children with household responsibilities chelsijo.co/2024/03/08/empowering-your-children/.

ESCAPE The Chaos

Alyssa also found significant success by incorporating the Escape Method into her daily routine. This method, which focuses on quick, ten-minute decluttering sessions, allowed her to tackle small areas of her home without feeling overwhelmed. Each mini-success boosted her confidence and created a positive ripple effect throughout her day. As she started clearing physical clutter, Alyssa noticed a similar clearing of mental clutter, enabling her to approach her systems with renewed energy and focus. The momentum gained from these short sessions was instrumental in transforming her chaotic environment into a more organized and peaceful space. You can learn more about the Escape Method and how it can help busy moms declutter their homes in just ten minutes here.

3 Systems To Transform Your Life

As Alyssa began to see the positive effects of these small changes, she was inspired to create systems in other areas of her life. “The more systems I implemented, the more time I freed up to focus on what really mattered—spending quality time with my family and rebuilding my business,” she explains.

Alyssa’s piano lesson business had taken a hit during her struggle with postpartum depression. “I lost so many students because I couldn’t keep up with the scheduling and communication,” she shares. But as she began to systemize her life, she applied the same principles to her business, and the results were transformative.

Here are some of the other systems Alyssa put in place that helped her turn things around:

  1. Weekly Planning Sessions: “I set aside time every Sunday to plan out the week,” Alyssa shares. “This includes everything from meals to appointments and even downtime. It helps me feel prepared and reduces the mental load throughout the week.” This planning session became a cornerstone of her success, allowing her to stay ahead of her responsibilities both at home and in her business.
  2. Digital Task Management with MeisterTask: Alyssa transitioned from paper lists to using MeisterTask, a digital task management app. “Having everything in one place makes it easier to prioritize and adjust as needed,” she says. “Plus, it’s accessible on the go, which is a game-changer.” MeisterTask became her go-to tool for staying organized, ensuring nothing fell through the cracks for her business.
  3. Automating Repetitive Tasks: “I automated as much as I could— things like scheduling a trial lesson with me and my client onboarding process,” she says. “It’s one less thing to worry about, and it keeps things running smoothly.” By automating these tasks, Alyssa was able to focus on more meaningful activities, knowing the basics were taken care of. Check out these 5 steps to master time management chelsijo.co/2024/02/08/master-your-time-management-with-these-5-simple-steps-and-reclaim-your-day/.

“I went from feeling like I was failing at everything to actually enjoying my life again.”

How To Go From Struggling To Thriving

Alyssa’s journey is proof that anyone can benefit from creating systems, no matter how chaotic life feels right now. “You don’t have to overhaul your entire life in one go,” she advises. “Start with one area, master it, and then move on to the next.”

By implementing these systems, Alyssa was able to overcome the darkest period of her life, regain control, and rebuild both her family’s happiness and her business. “I went from feeling like I was failing at everything to actually enjoying my life again,” she says. “Now, I have a happy home and a thriving business, and I owe it all to the systems I put in place.”

Her advice for those just starting out?

  1. Identify Your Biggest Stressors: “Pinpoint what’s causing you the most stress,” Alyssa suggests. “That’s where you should start. It could be your mornings, meal planning, or managing your time. Focus on creating a system that addresses that specific pain point.” For Alyssa, it was her chaotic mornings and lack of business organization—once she tackled these, everything else began to fall into place.
  2. Start Small and Build: “You don’t have to do it all at once,” Alyssa emphasizes. “Start with something small, like setting out clothes the night before or planning your meals for the week. Once you see how much easier that makes things, you’ll be motivated to keep going.” This approach helped Alyssa gradually rebuild her life without becoming overwhelmed.
  3. Be Consistent: “The key to success is consistency,” she says. “A system won’t work if you only do it once in a while. Make it a habit, and over time, it will become second nature.” Consistency was crucial for Alyssa—by sticking to her new routines, she was able to create lasting change.

Learn from Others: Alyssa credits much of her success to learning from others who had already systemized their lives. “I found resources like Systemize Your Life and Systemize Your Biz incredibly helpful,” she says. “They provided the structure and guidance I needed to keep moving forward.” These programs offered Alyssa the tools she needed to rebuild her life and business with confidence.

I wasn't being the mom or the person I wanted to be because I was so consumed by the chaos. Quote Chelsi Jo

Ready For Your Next Steps?

Alyssa’s story is a testament to the transformative power of simple systems. By taking small, consistent steps, she was able to reclaim her time, reduce stress, and create a life that felt more manageable and fulfilling.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed and unsure where to start, remember Alyssa’s journey. It’s about taking that first step, no matter how small, and committing to making a change. The beauty of systems is that they free up your mental space and energy, allowing you to focus on what truly matters in life.

Are you ready to start your journey toward a more organized and peaceful life? Begin with one system today, and watch as it transforms your daily experience. With the right tools and mindset, you too can create a life where you’re in control and thriving.

Why Every Mom Needs Systems In Her Life

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I start creating systems in my life?

Begin by identifying your biggest stressors, like Alyssa did with her morning routine. Focus on creating a system that addresses that specific pain point. You can learn more about starting your systemizing journey in this blog post.

What is MeisterTask, and how can it help me manage my tasks?

MeisterTask is a digital task management tool that helps you organize, prioritize, and track your tasks. Alyssa found it invaluable for keeping everything in one place, making it easier to manage both her home and business. Check out this post to learn more about MeisterTask and other task management tools.

How can systems help me balance my home and business life?

Systems provide structure and reduce the mental load, allowing you to focus on what truly matters. Whether it’s organizing your daily routines or automating tasks, systems can help you create a more balanced and fulfilling life. Ready for custom support on creating the systems to help your home and business thrive? Check out Systemize Your Life and Systemize Your Biz to get started now!

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