One of my favorite systems we have ever created in our home is our chore system. Yes, I am talking chores for kids. But, don’t get me wrong, it’s not what you think. There’s actually not a single chore involved and truth be told, we don’t even use that word in our house!
Chores are old school and aren’t helping anyone. Gone are the days where we give chores for kids. Truthfully, there is SO much to gain from NOT giving your kids chores, but rather using my chore system. You won’t regret making the switch from your antiquated chore system to my timeless and true replacement system that we live by. Ready to jump in? Let’s do this!
Listen below for the entire episode on The Systemize Your Life Podcast
No More Chores
Money Management System
Jobs and Responsibilities
“I am constantly looking at things that are going to stretch both my daughters just enough to where they can get the job done, but also assert their skills appropriately.”
Skills and Needs
Contract and Terms
Benefits of a Chore System
Communication building – you are building communication between you and your child.
Confidence building – this chore system is a big confidence builder – you are teaching them to look at what skills they have, what things they are really good at and all these things will build their confidence, especially when you start them young!
Intrinsic motivation that begins to happen so you are not constantly pulling teeth! Watch the magic unfold, it is a beautiful thing!
Helps you see the gaps you need to fill instead of looking at where they are failing. Often times we get so many complaints of all the things our kids won’t do, or can’t do, or how much of a hassle it is to implement chores for kids, while the easier approach is to just do it yourself. But these complaints focus one hundred percent on where the kids are failing, while instead it is so extremely important to look at this in terms of the gaps you need to fill as a parent.
Gives independence and autonomy instead of feeling forced. When you give your kids the ability to make decisions for themselves, they will start making decisions for themselves over and over again. The traditional reward based system is never going to work and so detrimental to your entire home ecosystem. This new system for chores will definitely take some time, so please be patient, but it is so incredibly worth it and it will work!
Obviously money management. A HUGE benefit to all of this is teaching your kids how to manage money, what to do with an invoice. We take it a step further and have gone through how we manage our money and have given that to Frankie, which is super incredible to see her do that.
No Excuses
Final Thoughts

Frequently Asked Questions
How do I begin to get my kids involved in chores if my house is a mess?
You first need to get a handle on your home. You can’t begin to clean if every surface is covered and drawer is overflowing. Start by decluttering and then move onto cleaning. I walk you through this in my home management system where I take you from overwhelmed to confident in just four weeks! Come find out more details and watch my free workshop here!