In January 2022, I set a goal of reading one book a month …and guess what?! I did it. I got through my first book and I absolutely loved it! Not only am I excited to share with you what I learned, but I also can’t wait to hear what my husband and close friends learn from it, and I would love for you to read it too. Not only is this book incredibly good, but it also reveals the secret to overcoming the hardest part of your life. Keep reading as I share this one simple tool that you can use to overcome fear, doubt, shame, rejection, comparison… and so much more. I truly have no doubt that The Overcoming Life by Jimmy Evans is going to be on your must-read list this year. Let’s dive into this month’s amazing review of a book I am so thankful to have started out my year with!
Listen below for the entire episode on The Systemize Your Life Podcast
One of the Best Things
One of the best things that ever happened to me was hearing about a book (or several books actually) from podcasters that I listen to. My first ever experience with this was with a book called Profit First by Mike Michalowicz. This experience was so incredibly impactful for me, I now have an entire system dedicated to what I learned through Profit First. You can learn more about this system that has completely changed my life, my husband’s life, and our daughters’ lives, and will most definitely change YOUR life by checking out an earlier podcast.
The things I learned from that book have been implemented into my life, and my home, and it is what allows me to have everything I have now, on the financial aspect, because of how incredible this system is. And I would not have known about this book if it weren’t for the podcasts I listen to. I first heard about his book on Donald Miller’s podcast. Once I heard the passion behind the book and what it had done for Donald himself I was like oh word… I need that book. And in fact, it has absolutely changed my entire life and our finances.
Systemize your Life Book Club
That is exactly why I am doing this. Books are powerful and have the ability to change lives. So every month this year, I am going to be taking you through a tour of the books I read with the hope that your life can continually be changed for the better, just as mine! I would love it if you joined me. Head over to the Facebook group to read along with us during 2022.
The Overcoming Life by Jimmy Evans
Let’s get right to it- my January book review with a complete five-star review, The Overcoming Life by Jimmy Evans. First things first, Jimmy Evans is a Christian pastor, based in Texas, who has a passion for helping people thrive in their walk in faith, as well as their marriage. His book, The Overcoming Life is a must-read for those looking for complete resolution in your life. It is a faith-based book and can be read through paper copy or listened to in just six hours on Audible. I will be honest, I listened to this as my first book of the year and may or may not have selected it because it was the shortest on my list. Yes, the shortest, but so, SO good and incredibly impactful. It just so happens that this easy listen quickly transformed my life and gave me the secret I need to overcome the hardest parts of life and I believe it can do the same to you!
The Power of a Good Book
I think any good book should take you on a transformational journey in some way … why else would you read it if it wasn’t to impact you in some way. Some books you read for pure pleasure, as an escape or for entertainment, and others obviously are to learn and to grow in some way. Either way, the journey from before the book to after, is one of the most important things I pay attention to when others tell me about a book, and it’s what I look forward to myself when I pick up a book to read it. The journey I went through while reading Jimmy Evans’ The Overcoming Life was definitely transformational.
The Transformation
So why The Overcoming Life? Where was I and why did I read it in the first place… well first I decided to read this book when I was physically in the bath. Yes, of all places, the bath. And while I love the author so very much, I was incredibly hopeful that reading The Overcoming Life would help shed some light on some of the struggles I was having in, honestly, several areas of my life.
There were fears, fears that had nothing to do with my business, but other types of fears. And then there was some shame and some feelings of rejection. All of these different types of things kept creeping in. Through all of this, my deepest desire was to find resolutions, and it was through that journey, that desires for resolution, I decided to read The Overcoming Life and let me tell you, I am so glad that I did as this book truly unpacks the key to overcoming some of life’s hardest struggles
The Resolution
So if you were like me, and are searching for resolutions, eager to finally listen to the voice in your head that is pulling you in a certain direction, let this be your calling card, The Overcoming Life is the tool you need to be able to overcome the hardest parts of your life. This book takes you deep, beyond the surface level and helps provide clarity on the necessary tool to provide resolution in your life, life-changing words to truly help give you peace of mind.
Main Points
The book has 8 chapters. Each chapter focuses on a different type of overcoming theme and each chapter delivers so much incredible truth.
- Overcoming rejection
- Overcoming fear
- Overcoming comparison
- Overcoming shame
- Overcoming unforgiveness
- Overcoming discouragement
- Overcoming sickness
- Overcoming doubt
Throughout the book, Jimmy Evans constantly references scripture, which I loved, as it gave me further reference points to go back and look into later. For me personally, the chapter on shame was incredibly meaningful as it did a number on my heart as it allowed me to understand shame and learn 5 steps for overcoming shame, which was such a gift. Truly, each chapter was transformative, extremely practical and absolutely worth your time.
Biggest Takeaway
My biggest takeaway from this book is simply this:
The pure power and strength of my belief is what either holds me back or provides me with everything I have. Truly. What I chose to run through my mind every single day of my life is what I will become. My life is available to me. My life is written for me to walk into. I have to believe in that. Believe in overcoming. Victory belongs to you, but you still have to claim it. You cannot sit and look down the road that you see and know was clearly paved for you and not get up and walk it. The only way to get there is to get up and move. The actual walking it out is believing in it. Believing in the fact that this life was made for you and through believing in that overcomes the fear, overcomes the rejection, overcomes the shame. What I believe has to be so true to me that nothing and I mean nothing else can change that.
Claim It
As a believer, victory belongs to you, but you still have to claim it.
You can have this too. There are things that YOU are sitting on right now that you don’t believe are made for you, but they are. It is only a matter of YOU choosing to believe with all of your heart and all of your soul and running those thoughts through your mind and when the opposite thought runs through your mind you force yourself to repeat out loud, to repeat to yourself what it is that you know that you believe in, that you know was written for you, what you know is true. What you believe has to be so true to you that nothing else can change it.
“The pure power and strength of my belief is what either holds me back or provides me with everything I have.”
I walked away from this book realizing so much about myself that I honestly would’ve never uncovered and I know now how the spirit of evil plays a role in my life. I know what I am made for, who I am made for, and why…. And none of those things have anything to do with fear, shame, or rejection.
I am capable of looking at some of the hardest parts of my life that I have laid to rest 10 times over again and believe even deeper that I truly can overcome anything…. And so can you. I could go on and on and on but here’s what I know to be true….
Overcoming Fear
Fear is not a part of your life – Shame is not part of your life. Rejection does not have to be a part of your life. You know there are things that we all deal with and it is my honest opinion that we hide behind all of it to stay small and safe. But when you decide you are ready to overcome all of those parts of you, the parts that you are holding on to and hiding behind, when you are ready – go pick up this book and just be ready. It will change so much for you. Read it sooner than later, because every day is a good day to believe in a better version of yourself and this is absolutely the way to do it.
Head over to the Facebook group to join us for next month’s book club read. You can join us in our next title, or pick a book of your own, either way – we would love to have you reading along with us!
If you are looking for more resolution in your life, if you are looking for more time and space to cultivate and grow your business all while being present with your family and raising your children intentionally, then come check out the details in The Systemize Your Life Academy.

Frequently Asked Questions
Are there any other books you would suggest reading?
First, I would really encourage you to find a book that interests you! Your current needs may be different than mine and the best book is the one that is right for you. However, if you are looking for a recommendation, one that has challenged my life is Dare To Lead by Brené Brown. If you want a preview, go listen to my podcast!