We’re going to break down what’s going on inside of your home from the time school is over for your kiddos until they are TKO for the night lights out in bed finally sleeping…Inside my 5-block method, we call this the P.M. block. There is potential for the magic inside these few short hours that you experience every single day on repeat. I think the P.M. block is likely one of the most pivotal and important time blocks for your entire day. Without it, you can have a series of things go wrong that set up your next day to be off, behind, and frustrated from the get-go. I am digging into the tale tell signs of a P.M. block gone wrong and what 3 things you can do to whip it into shape.
Listen below for the entire episode on The Systemize Your Life Podcast
If you don’t know much about my 5-block method check out my free time blocking workbook. My free workshop on how to successfully manage your home and business is also going to really, really support what we are talking about here. Always feel free to ask questions in our Systemize Your Life Facebook group.
“I want you to have the time to have fun with your kids instead of rushing, instead of yelling, instead of threatening, instead of being frustrated.“
Signs Your P.M. Block Isn’t Working
First, let’s chat about what your P.M. block is, meaning the time in your day every day from the time the kids get out of school or you stop working until you finish all the things and then get them to bed. Depending on who you are and what you do with your kids, if you homeschool or if you work a nine-to-five, your time blocks will be different depending on what season of life you are in. The most important thing when we look at your P.M. block is determining anywhere it’s gone wrong and how to fix it as it is really truly the cornerstone for all of the other blocks in my 5-block method.
Your kids are getting to bed late
If your kids are getting to bed super duper late then it’s going to be hard to keep them on their natural rhythm which throws everything else off. We want them to have enough sleep so that they have the ability to process and learn new things as well as work on their emotional and social skills. Our kids do not understand the importance of enough sleep, they may seem like they are bouncing off the walls but honestly, they are exhausted.
Dinner isn’t being served or is getting on the table late
Whenever I ask moms when they are serving dinner, it tends to be a later time than is needed for the PM block to run smoothly. Of course, there are things impacting this time such as working out of the home and extracurricular activities but there are ways you can set yourself up for success. Crockpots, freezer meals, and home-delivery meal kits are all great options.
Kid’s homework isn’t getting done
This is something you simply have to carve out the time for and add to your after-school routine stack. Maybe it is as soon as you all get home, homework is the first item on the agenda.
Your house is a mess
After you get your kids to bed you are overwhelmed by the mess left behind and you are spending your time routine cleaning points to your P.M. block not working.
You are getting to bed super late
You are putting other things ahead of your nighttime routine, typically things that were supposed to be taken care of during your P.M. block. This also affects your A.M. block and the amount of sleep that you are getting each night.
How Can You Fix Your PM Block
What can you do if these are things that you are experiencing, whether it is some of them or all of them, the answer is in the 3 key parts of any P.M. Block. This may be something that starts at 1 pm because you homeschool all of your kids or something that begins for you at 3 pm and someone else is executing part of it because you don’t get home until 5. This might start right at 2:45 like me where I close my work and I go to the school and pick up my kids and we start our P.M. block. It doesn’t matter when this starts, it just matters that you have all three of these parts in your P.M. block and they roll like dominoes one after the other.
3 Key Parts of All Productive P.M. Blocks
- After School Routine
For those of you that do have kids, you are working on things that need to be done before the kids leave for school the next morning, this is done as soon as they come home. There will be multiple parts to your after-school routine which depends on what you really need. It may be that when you come home, you unload and replenish everything then work on homework or homework is light one day so they help you prep dinner. Your routine will change depending on your kids’ extracurriculars too, it is meant to be fluid. If your kids do not go to school and you are a stay-at-home mom then your P.M. block might start after the afternoon nap or independent play.
- Dinner Routine
An example of this routine would be to start at about 4:30 in the afternoon so you are done in the kitchen by 6 pm. This is dependent of course on your home and what you are making for dinner that evening, some dinners will take you longer than others. Your dinner routine needs to consist of you getting your food on the table but also cleaning as you go, making sure that things are getting put away, and setting yourself up for when dinner is over so you only have a few things left to take care of. Get your kids involved in this routine.
- Bedtime Routine
Your kids need to have a bedtime routine that happens immediately after dinner is over. We want to teach them what it feels like to have a solid bedtime routine so they can calm down, look inward, and have great habits as they get older. If your kids are a little older, maybe you have some family time between dinner and their bedtime routine. Think of what skills you can teach your children during this time such as bathing or turning down their bed.
Signs your PM block isn’t working:
- Kids are getting to bed late
- Dinner isn’t being served or is getting on the table late
- Kid’s homework isn’t getting done
- House is a mess
- You are getting to bed super late
3 key parts of all productive pm blocks:
- After school routine
- Dinner routine
- Bedtime routine
Need help?? Join us in the Systemize Your Life Academy and I can literally help you to create every single one of these routines so you can get your P.M. block back in order!

Frequently Asked Questions
Where can I learn more about your 5 blocks?
Time blocking is such a beautiful way to lead a more productive and intentional life. You can check out my free time blocking workbook to create time blocks that will set you up for success in your day to day life! Pair it with the workshop for even more rewards in helping you to zero in on what you need to focus on in your mornings and everyday routines. If you have any questions come ask the community in our Systemize Your Life Facebook group! You got this!