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Mastering a Productive Week: The Two Steps You Need to Follow

Mastering A Productive Week: The Two Steps You Need to Follow -Chelsijo

September 19, 2023


Today, we’re getting into the two most crucial steps you need to take to ensure a productive week!

Now, I get it. There’s an overwhelming amount of information out there about productivity, focus, avoiding distractions, and keeping those fires at bay. You could spend hours on Pinterest or Google, and there are probably a thousand podcast episodes on this very topic. But here’s the deal: today, we’re going to cut through the noise and get laser-focused.

By the end of this blog post, you won’t need to read another article or listen to another podcast on productivity. You won’t even have to come back for another one of these episodes (although I’d love it if you did!).

Why? Because I’m going to share with you the first two steps that I tackle every single week. These are the same steps I teach my students, and now, you’re getting a sneak peek. If you’re excited and eager to know what these game-changing steps are, well, let’s dive right in and get started!

Listen below for the entire episode on The Systemize Your Life Podcast

Unlocking the Secrets to a Consistently Productive Week

I’m here because I want to ensure that we build a productive week every single week. That’s what sparked the idea of me recording this episode and writing this blog.

This episode and blog, in particular, is tailored for you if you’re craving a more productive week, if you want to have all your ducks in a row, if dropping the ball is not an option. You’re here to uncover the magic behind my productivity systems. So, grab a piece of paper, jot down “number one” and “number two” because we’re about to dive into it!

Creating a Productive Week Step 1: Building Your Family Calendar

The first step to setting yourself up for a productive week is to dedicate some time between Friday and Sunday to sit down and plan. Why is this so crucial?

Well, because if you wait until Monday, you’ve already lost valuable time, and things can get a bit chaotic. It’s not to say that planning on a Monday is impossible, but the goal is to get this done before you hit the hay on Sunday night.

Now, let’s get into the nitty-gritty of this first step. Your initial task is to populate your Google calendar with all the appointments and commitments for the upcoming week. But not just any Google calendar, it should be a shared one.

Who should you be sharing it with? Well, that would be your spouse and any of your older kids, typically starting from junior high and beyond. Freshmen, 7th or 8th graders, and even some middle schoolers could be included, depending on their responsibilities.

The Family Calendar Explained

Now, you might wonder, what exactly is this family calendar? It’s not your work calendar or any other calendar you might have. It’s a specialized family calendar where you note down all the crucial events and appointments that involve your family. This includes everything from pet appointments to your spouse’s commitments and more.

If you’re thinking, “I don’t have a family calendar,” don’t worry. Before you continue with the rest of this blog post, pause and take a moment to create one. It’s a foundational element of staying organized and ensuring everyone is on the same page.

How to Create a Family Calendar

Now, let’s dive deeper into the process. It’s time to sit down and meticulously review all the appointments you have lined up. This includes everything from your kids’ activities and sports schedules to recurring appointments that happen at the same time every week. The key is to leave no stone unturned.

To give you a better understanding, let me share some examples of what we include in our family calendar. This might spark ideas for your own. We have gym time, medical appointments, the pickup and drop-off times for the kids, and even specific meetings related to our home.

Planning ahead is crucial. When we were in the process of finishing our house, I would look weeks in advance to ensure we didn’t miss any important meetings or appointments. 

The list goes on, including mentor meetings, choir practice at the church, and even dental cleanings. These are all specific commitments that require our presence at precise times.

The Weekly Prep for a Productive Week

So, as a new week approaches, I sit down and examine all these commitments. You might wonder, “Where do I get all this information, and how do I know what to put in the calendar?” Well, here’s the trick: Whenever I book something with someone, I immediately add it to our family calendar.

I primarily view our family calendar on my Apple device. However, if you’re not an Apple user, you can simply use the Google Calendar app on your phone. We’ve tried other options but found the iPhone calendar to be incredibly user-friendly.

As the week approaches, I look for any appointments or commitments I might have entered months ago. For instance, if we had a cleaning scheduled six months ago and it’s time for the next one, it’s already there, ready to remind us.

Daily Calendar Updates

Another vital source of information is part of our daily routines. When the kids come home, we immediately go through their backpacks.

If there’s information about upcoming events or activities, like a track and field day or any special instructions, it goes straight into the family calendar. This simple routine significantly reduces paper clutter.

Family Involvement

Now, you might wonder how I keep track of my husband’s commitments. He shares the same calendar from his phone. Whenever he has plans, whether it’s a golf outing or picking up something specific, he adds it to the calendar.

Are we flawless at this system? Not quite. When I sit down to do this weekly review, I personally go to each family member and ask about their plans, appointments, and anything they need to get done that week. This one-on-one approach ensures we’re all on the same page.

Why go through all this effort? Well, think about it. It’s about being prepared. It’s about preventing those last-minute emergencies that always seem to pop up right when you need to rush out the door. This system is all about staying ahead of the game and being proactive.

Creating a Productive Week Step 2: Incorporating Your Fundamental Needs

Now that we’ve got the family calendar squared away, let’s move on to step two. This is all about addressing your fundamental needs, and it’s equally important as the first step.

“Mastering these two essential steps can transform chaos into clarity and empower you to conquer each week with purpose and productivity.”

Remember, these two steps are the foundation of a productive week. Mastering these two essential steps can transform chaos into clarity and empower you to conquer each week with purpose and productivity.

The Complete System

I want to emphasize that what I’m sharing today is just the tip of the iceberg. There are five crucial steps I teach my students inside my Systemize Your Life program.

If you’re eager to learn the remaining three steps and want a comprehensive guide, head over to https://www.chelsijo.co/SYL. This program provides you with visuals, a roadmap, workbooks, coaching, and support. It’s the full package to transform your life and productivity.

Now, if you’re ready to dive into steps three, four, and five, and build out a fully productive week following my method, you know where to go. But for now, let’s focus on step two, which we’re discussing today.

Fundamental Needs – The Non-Negotiables

Your fundamental needs are the core elements of your daily life. They’re the non-negotiables that must find a place in your schedule. To execute step two effectively, you need to identify your fundamental needs. If you’re unsure what they are, I provide guidance in my Systemize Your Life program and also in my Fundamental Needs Workbook. It’s essential to tailor these needs to your unique life circumstances.

Now, let’s clarify something important. There’s an order to these steps for a reason. I always start with step one, which involves your family calendar, because appointments are often non-negotiable. You’re at the mercy of school schedules, doctor’s appointments, and other external factors.

Step two comes next. Once you’ve locked in those appointments, it’s time to incorporate your fundamental needs into your schedule. These needs are more flexible, but they’re still non-negotiable. Skipping them can lead to consequences, just like missing a dentist appointment and not being able to get on the books again for months..

Why the Hybrid Approach Matters

Maintaining a balance between digital and physical planning tools ensures you don’t overlook these crucial needs.

While electronic calendars are fantastic, there are too many distractions on our phones. I mean, I get sidetracked for five minutes just checking a notification! Having a physical record keeps you grounded and organized. So, let’s combine the best of both worlds.

Conclusion: Mastering a Productive Week: Embracing the 2 Steps

Now that we’ve explored the two fundamental steps to master your week and enhance your productivity, it’s time to quickly review them.

Step 1: Building Your Family Calendar – By creating a shared family calendar and populating it with all your commitments and appointments, you’re setting the stage for a well-organized week. This ensures that you and your family are on the same page and ready to tackle the upcoming week’s challenges.

Step 2: Incorporating Your Fundamental Needs – Recognizing and prioritizing your fundamental needs is the cornerstone of a productive week. Whether it’s self-care, exercise, or dedicated family time, these non-negotiables are essential for a balanced and successful week.

As you consider these two steps, recognize these steps aren’t just about organizing your schedule; they’re about transforming your approach to time management and ensuring a more fulfilling week!

Looking to Learn More About Creating a Productive Schedule?

To begin, if you are wanting to know how to create the perfect schedule so you can have enough time in your day, this blog post is your go-to! These 3 Steps to Maintain a Work Life Balance and Be Successful in Business can help you figure out how to get a manageable work-life balance.

In closing, remember that you’re not alone on this path. Whether you have questions, seek guidance, or want to share your progress, we’re here to support you every step of the way. Feel free to reach out within our FREE Facebook Group you need assistance or wish to connect with our community of like-minded individuals.

Your journey to a more productive week begins now, and we can’t wait to see the positive transformations these steps bring to your life! Thank you for being part of this community, and I look forward to your continued success!

Mastering A Productive Week: The Two Steps You Need to Follow -Chelsijo

Frequently Asked Questions

I have determined my fundamental needs, but how do I fit them into my schedule?

The best approach to incorporating your fundamental needs into your schedule involves using my five block time-blocking method. Discover the essentials of this method and create personalized time blocks for your tasks through my complimentary Time-Blocking Workbook!

Your Path to a Productive Week Starts Here -Chelsijo
Reach Your Goals: The Key to a Productive Week -Chelsijo

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