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Go From Overwhelmed To Organized in Your Home and Business



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Crunchy mom of two, married to my favorite boy for life, and lover of dark chocolate peanut butter cups!
I went from nearly losing my mind and business to an intentional, successful woman all because of systems.

I'm Chelsi Jo

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Strategies for Growth in 2025: How to Simplify and Scale

Strategies for growth in business

January 29, 2025


Do you want strategies for growth in your business, but are finding it hard to keep your household running smoothly? That’s exactly what led me to start my business and this blog. I was exhausted from constantly finding babysitters for interpreting jobs and stressed about being away from my home and kids just to make an income.

Listen Below For The Entire Episode On The Systemize Your Life Podcast

My dream was to run my own company, so, I began figuring out how to be incredibly consistent. I started to systemize my home, and my side business maximizing my time and productivity. From those systems Systemize Your Life and was born. Without using strategies for growth within my business, I know I would not have achieved the success that I have.

My Top Strategies For Growth in Business

I won’t tell you what business to choose—that’s up to you. Instead, I’ll share strategies on how to scale your time, create breathing room, and grow your business without feeling overwhelmed.

Can you imagine having systems that save you time, reduce stress, and position you for growth? This is my journey, and I would love to walk you through it. I want to teach you how to balance all the things so you can stop feeling overwhelmed and begin to make movements of growth this year.

I am talking about implementing strategies that help you simplify and streamline everything you are doing in your home and business. We are talking about the very things I am doing to work less and achieve more, setting myself up for sustainable growth. Today I want to share those strategies for growth with you.

Hi, I’m Chelsi Jo. I started the Systemize Your Life podcast 5 years ago and later added this blog to help others achieve business success without sacrificing family, relationships, or health—through the power of systems.

How I Used Strategies for Growth In My Own Business

I started scaling my time, with only 2 hours per week, when I started this business 5 years ago. That is all the extra time I had. The systems I set up allowed me to add more time little by little. Now, I work about 25 hours a week, sometimes less. And I have a ton of team members who are doing the same thing.

Through systems, I’ve achieved exponential growth, multiple six-figure years, and a life-changing impact on my family, marriage, and personal fulfillment. I want you to experience the same transformation.

So if you are feeling incredibly overwhelmed and overworked, or you simply want to feel confident, these strategies can help turn your vision into reality. No, there’s no magic pill, and yes, it will take insane dedication and hard work, but it will all be worth it.

Success requires more than hard work and good intentions—it needs the right systems. Without them, big goals can lead to burnout and feeling stuck. Start 2025 strong by implementing simple systems and strategies for growth to stay balanced and prevent setbacks.

Strategy for Growth #1: Identify The Problem

First, we must identify the problem. If you want to simplify to scale, using systems, we’ve got to look at the problem. That problem is very clearly chaos and overwhelm.

There are some common struggles that we all go through, myself included. These strategies are how I have been able to approach these struggles, prepare for them, and resolve them; and what, I believe, have helped me to stay consistent.

First, we must look at what is and what isn’t systemized. If you feel like you’re constantly putting fires out at home, you probably don’t have enough systems in place. Is it the laundry, the dishes, or the schedule? Is it all of it?  You are not failing. You are a fantastic mom, you are just working yourself ragged and you need some systems in place.

The first strategy for growth is to identify what isn’t working and get some systems in place. This step is crucial no matter how long you have been in business. If there are no systems in place, you’re going to feel like you need to work constantly, but you will be making hardly any movement. You will probably feel like you are hustling constantly, but there is no intention behind the time that you spend. We must identify the problem.

We can now begin to build systems knowing that you’re not the problem, neither are your kids, your spouse, or your home. These systems make life easier and ensure that we are moving forward. Stop playing whack-a-mole! Your time is too precious to be spent running around without intention. From here on out, let’s make progress, in your home and business.

Strategy for Growth #2: Understand The Power of Systems

I am all about systems, they are literally my entire brand, and they are so powerful! Everything I do within my brand, and in my life, is dependent upon systems. I am only able to do the work that I do in my home and business, because of the systems I use regularly.

A system, on its most basic level, is going to provide you with three very important things: Clarity, Efficiency, and Freedom. Many people believe that structure is not for them. They feel that routines and processes are stifling. They think they have more freedom without them.

Let me tell you, you Are Not Free! You’re a slave right now. I have freedom. My systems give me so much freedom, they allow me to let go and relax. All I have to do is show up and run the system. I don’t have to think about 75% of the things that most women do because I have systems for them. They run on autopilot.

Systems are going to give you time and focus back, bringing structure into your work blocks, and increasing your creativity. All this will help you to achieve growth. Your kids will finally get your undivided attention. You’re going to be able to serve your clients, your kids, your marriage, and your home incredibly well. This is our second strategy for growth. Are you ready to thrive?

“A system, on its most basic level, is going to provide you with three very important things: Clarity, Efficiency, and Freedom.”

Strategy for Growth #3: Create an Action Plan Using Systems

Now let’s talk about why systems are something you should depend on, and what strategies for growth I want you to focus on this year. There are four steps that I believe are incredibly vital when we are beginning to simplify so we can scale.

Scaling your business while managing your home can feel completely overwhelming, but I am going to break down my Systemized to Scale framework to help implement these steps without the chaos. These are the exact steps and strategies I have used to create consistent growth in my business without sacrificing myself or my family, and I have used them to help countless other women, and a few men, do the same.

I would never expect you to sacrifice your home or family for the sake of growing your business, especially when I am unwilling to sacrifice those things myself. Many business owners have sacrificed a lot of things to grow a business, I have seen it. That is not what we’re about here! So let’s jump right in.

The First Step Is To ASSESS

We must first assess all the things that are working well and everything that is not, in both your home and business. Then prioritize what to tackle first. This can be incredibly overwhelming; sometimes there may be so many things that it is hard to determine where to begin.

Every year I do a formal assessment, but I also do it whenever I need to reset. This can also be incredibly helpful right after you have been in survival mode, when you are getting back from a vacation, or if things are just not going as smoothly as you would like. Assessing your systems is especially helpful when you are feeling overwhelmed, or out of control.

Grab a pen and paper, sit down, and list out everything that is and isn’t working in both your home and business. We are so quick to be hard on ourselves. Often a lot of things are working, they are just hard to see because of the chaos. This assessment is going to help you stop the bleeding and identify what needs to be systemized ASAP.

The Second Step Is To SYSTEMIZE

Once you can see the main problem areas, you can decide where to begin. Where is it that the most time is being wasted? What’s sucking your energy dry? What is the biggest hindrance to my business, family, or both?

Getting organized begins with setting up systems in your home and business. The processes that typically cause problems tend to be daily, weekly, and monthly tasks. Do you have an efficient way to manage all of your content, and when it is going out? Are you struggling to decide what to post on social media? These are good indicators that you don’t have good systems in place.

What we need to do is implement systems that will allow you to not operate ahead of schedule, most of the time. Is your laundry always backed up? Is your kitchen always dirty? Are you always late getting out the door? These are all symptoms, and they simply show that you are lacking effective systems.

It Is Time To Build Some Strategies for Growth In The Places That Feel Chaotic.

If it feels like it is constantly on fire, that is where we need to put a system. Do you need a cleaning routine? Maybe it would be helpful to add some tidy clues or rhythms. Could you use a home management system or even just a few pieces of it? Let me tell you, you probably need all of it.

And while you may need it all, you don’t have to put it all in place at once. That would just cause more overwhelm. We need to just stop the bleeding so you can hunker down, get the right systems in place, and then move forward.

When we’re talking about your business, it might be as simple as a content plan, client onboarding, or an entire process for client management. You might just need to figure out what you need to do each day, and when you are getting it done. Let’s stop staring at the computer, or posting whatever comes to mind on social media, simply because we have no clear plan of action.


Now that we have done our assessment and determined what systems we need in place immediately, we are going to do some strategic planning. We must focus on things that move the needle forward in our business, and create a clear strategy for growth to reach our goals.

My top strategies for growth in business chelsijo

Creating a 12-month plan with realistic actionable steps is all that is necessary right now. This plan should begin where you are right now and move you closer to those big goals you have in mind. It doesn’t matter what the goal is, how far away it is, or how lofty it is. All that matters is that you’re doing work that moves you forward. 

When I started this company, I wanted to make sure that the time I spent away from my family wasn’t in vain. My goal was to leave an impact on women’s lives and provide for my family. I had to be very strategic with the time I was spending at work.

Strategic planning is going to empower you to dream big without feeling like you’re setting yourself up to fail. Breaking down your goals into a strategy for growth will ensure that you can make consistent progress.

Step #4 for Growth Is To Outsource

Lastly, we must outsource and grow our income. This is the fun part, but we must remember that we cannot just skip to this step. If you don’t complete the first 3 steps first, you are setting yourself up for failure.

Failure is inevitable if good systems aren’t built first. Systems strengthen everything that you do. Look at any successful company and you will see that they have good systems in place. Why don’t we save some time and build them first? Putting fail-proof systems in place gives you the tools to outsource effectively, which will allow you to grow your revenue sustainably, no matter what life throws at you.

The Transformative Power Of Strategies for Growth

My personal life and my business went through a lot last year. If I had not had the systems in place that I did, nothing would have survived. Because I did the hard work in the beginning by assessing my home and business, creating good systems, planning my day and my work strategically, and then outsourcing what I could once it made sense; everything is doing fantastic. I want you to have that same kind of success. Real-life transformation is unbelievably possible.

Do you want to have streamlined systems and strategies for growth in your business? I have a program called Systemize Your Biz that leads you through every single one of these four steps. It is the framework that I created, and it is the key to your growth. Do you want to make the change that turns it all around this year? Do you want to make moves on your dream to turn it into a reality? Want to learn more about what being a student inside Systemized Your Biz might look like, click HERE. I have so many moms inside this program that have done exactly that. And I want you to be next!

If you liked this post, comment below or head over and join our FREE Facebook group for more support. Want a bit more information on systemizing your Biz, check out How To Grow A Business As A Busy Mom: 3 Essential Tips and How To Grow Your Business While Mastering Work-Life Balance. You can make 2025 your breakthrough year by getting organized and systemized in your home and business. I would love to see you inside!

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I implement several systems at once? I need a complete overhaul.

While it might seem like redoing all of your systems at once might give you a fresh start, it will cause burnout. I suggest you start small and look at the things that need your immediate attention. Implementing one to two systems at a time is ideal. Beginning this process slowly will allow you to perfect those new systems before you turn your focus onto a new pain point. My free Time-Blocking Workbook offers step-by-step guidance, or check out the Systemize Your Life Program for an in-depth approach to organizing your entire life with purpose and clarity.

I’m always behind at home, so I never have time for my business. How can I fix this?

We are all about balance over here and know that chaos at home can be incredibly distracting. Take an inventory of the main struggle points within your home that are pulling your focus away from your work time. Those are the areas where you need systems the most. My Overwhelmed to Organized Quiz can help you find a good place to start or head over to my podcast page HERE to search specific topics. I offer a ton of tips on finding more time for your business.

how to streamline your business as a busy mom chelsijo
Work from home mom life chelsijo

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And I am so glad you are here.

I'm Chelsi Jo