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Go From Overwhelmed To Organized in Your Home and Business



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Crunchy mom of two, married to my favorite boy for life, and lover of dark chocolate peanut butter cups!
I went from nearly losing my mind and business to an intentional, successful woman all because of systems.

I'm Chelsi Jo

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Take Your Home From Overwhelmed To Organized In 4 Weeks

5 Reasons WFHM Struggle With Productivity & How To Actually Make Working From Home Work For You


December 19, 2022


Maybe I’m just not cut out for this! Maybe I should just wait until my kids are older….maybe this isn’t what I’m suppose to be doing with my life.” Sound familiar??? If you struggle with staying consistent with your side hustle then it’s likely due to one of these 5 reasons we will talk about in today’s show. Give it a listen and find out where you’ve been going wrong and what to do about it!

Listen below for the entire episode on The Systemize Your Life Podcast

There is this thing I see that happens over and over again. Many women get jobs/careers, get married, have children, and still have to work. For the majority of families, a two person income is required. This is not the case for every home; however, many work in jobs/careers and some work towards quitting that job/career in order to do start working from home or to create their own businesses or a side hustle because they no longer want to work for someone else.

Many people continue to go on this cycle of starting and stopping and starting and stopping and starting and stopping the side hustle. There are many ups and downs which lead to this behavior. It can be something as normal as a child getting sick or even a husband saying something snarky that discourages you and hurts your feelings-and triggers major insecurities. It could even be you spending a ton of time working on a project for your side hustle that you just knew would work and yet it didn’t which caused you to take a hard stop out of fear and doubt that this is what you should actually be doing. It’s just one negative thing after the other, which caused you to lose confidence and become defeated.

Systems are real

I want to share 5 things that I specifically see and have seen happening that try to derail me from working from home daily and keep me from showing up for the things I want to do.

It’s not the actual work towards the hustle but it’s the things that happen around the work like going to the drive thru for the 4th time this week for dinner that causes me to get discouraged. It’s the constant battle between what is it supposed to be vs what is real.

I will tell you what’s real. Systems are real! Once I figured out that systems in my home, in my marriage, in my motherhood, and in my business – even when it was just in its idea phase – could actually help me is when I fell in love with what is now The Systemize Your Life brand and started So now, that is real and that is true!


Reason 1: Fear

The paralysis of the analysis. You just wake up and stop doing the things. You stop showing up-you freeze. Sometimes you aren’t even cognizant of it. Fear could cross your mind at the most random moment and you just begin to veer off from your hustle unintentionally.

Reason 2: You’re not clear what to do

You get discouraged because you are not clear on what you need to do. This leads to it being hard for you to grow and prevents you from doing the very next thing. Sometimes it’s hard to get that clarity when you don’t have anyone in your corner to help you, you feel like you don’t have the money, or whatever the case may be. However, your own clarity is enough to move you forward. Even if it leads to the wrong direction, you are still learning and growing. As you learn and grow, you’re committing! You show up! You do the things! Find your own clarity or pay someone to teach you what to do.

Reason 3: You have no plans in place

What are you doing? What is your plan when the kids are away? What’s your plan of attack once you receive all the strategy after paying top dollar coaches to help you find clarity? It is as simple as sitting down with your time blocks, mapping things out, having a workflow, and showing up. Your plan doesn’t have to be complicated. There’s also no need to over plan things either. Therefore, the point is you just need to put a plan in place in order to start accomplishing the things and getting it done.

Check out my FREE TIME BLOCKING WORKSHEET that can help you to time block and plan your day which will help you to become more organized and help you to establish a plan.

Reason 4: You have no systems in your house

There are weeks when someone has been sick or we played too much over the weekend or we had a birthday party and we didn’t show up for the systems in our home. In these situations, I have paid the consequences for that. If you are super committed to what you are trying to do and yet, you let go of your house, your house will begin to start screaming at you. Things will get really complicated. Following this, you will stop doing the thing because you must tend to your home. You feel like a failure so you resort to what’s comfortable and just take care of your house only.

Consequently, you just don’t pick back up. So, Get smart. Choose to put your time and energy into systems that are effective so that you really can do the things and your very best work and end the start and stop cycle for good.

Reason 5: Poor Motherhood Mindset

We talk about this in Tier 1, Module 1, and Video 1 of The Systemize Your Life Academy as a foundation of what we go through in the entire academy. This is the undercurrent of all the above. We have to have a very special kind of mindset in motherhood. You have to get strong in your head as a mom. You can’t put pressure, guilt, or shame in your head when you’re working on your side hustle. It’s imperative you have a plan of attack against those things. Don’t blame your business for not being able to be a good mom. Fix your mindset and understand how to do your best

“Your plan doesn’t have to be complicated. You don’t need to over plan things either. The point is you just need to put a plan in place in order to start accomplishing the things and getting it done.”

The Systemize Your Life Academy

Commit and do the work in order to get consistent. Find support. Read the books. Surround yourself with likeminded individuals. Carefully craft your thoughts. Where your thoughts go, your feet will go. Fill your mind with thoughts of the person you want to be. Not who you use to be or the person you are today. There are promises over your life about who and what it is that you can be, you just have to get up and believe in them.

Again, all of this is addressed in The Systemize Your Life Academy. There you will get all the things you need. It’s a resource for you if you are ready. If not, it will be here for you whenever you are ready.

We would love to have you in the Facebook group if you want to start with learning and growing with other women who are or were where you are right now.

Until then, I am looking forward to connecting with you soon.

the 5 things preventing wfhm from consistency in their business and side hustle

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there anything to help me with the more Business side of things?

Of course! I created a Business Systems Series in my earlier days but the blog posts have all the information you’ll need! Here is Day 2 of a 5 Day series-Day 1 is still being uploaded to the blog-on how to align with your business goals and we walk through breaking that down into aligning your daily tasks with your annual goals so your business can thrive! This should help you through Reasons 3 & 4 that are preventing you from consistency in your business. You may also download my time blocking workbook to help you work through a plan! And as always, come on over to my Facebook group for extra support and guidance!

how to conquer the main 5 reasons you're not consistent in your business and/or side hustle
the 5 things derailing you from working from home daily and showing up to your business and/or side hustle

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And I am so glad you are here.

I'm Chelsi Jo