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Crunchy mom of two, married to my favorite boy for life, and lover of dark chocolate peanut butter cups!
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Back To School Checklist For A Productive Year

Kids at school

August 3, 2024


Are you having all of the same bittersweet feelings about summer almost being over already as I am? Back to school is right around the corner! This summer for me and for my family has been such a delight. We’ve truly thrown caution to the wind and have been flying by the seat of our pants. It’s still structured to my normal rhythms, but for the last 8 weeks we have been sleeping in, staying up late, and throwing together meals that were not on the menu board. I even missed doing my time blocks in my planner a few times! But I’m so happy that I had the opportunity to live like that for a while. It gave me insight into what it’s like to live without my home management system in place 100% of the time. I got to see the good, the not so good, and so many wonderful things came out of that experience. It has confirmed in my mind how I want this next school year to go. 

So that brings me here to ask if you know what you want your school year with your kiddos to look like! Do you want it to be an extension of your summer, or do you want it to look a lot like last year? How do you want to improve it? Do you want your summer and your back to school experience to feel a certain way? If so, keep reading. I’m going to share with you some valuable tips that you can implement starting today!

Listen Below For The Entire Episode On The Systemize Your Life Podcast

Preparing My Family For Change This School Year

There are a lot of changes ahead for me and for my kids. We have a lot of school years under our belt, but this year we’re going into something completely different. Both of my kids have changed schools, and one of them is going to a true Montessori School which we’ve not experienced before. They have both been at a Montessori their whole life, but it was housed within the public school system. Now it’s not, and we’re excited for our kids to be in a true Montessori School for the full experience.

Then we have another kid that’s actually homeschooling and we have so many new things we’re about to experience. From uniforms all the way to, “What the heck are we going to be doing all day?”. For the homeschool moms that are so well versed in this, we’re using an online curriculum that we feel great about. Dipping our toes into this journey and I know that there are going to be so many more changes ahead. Whether your story is similar or you are going back to the same school and it all feels great – this blog will be helpful to you either way. 

The Importance Of Taking Time Off

It does feel really bitter sweet to me. I’m eager to get my kids back into a rhythm but I’m also sad that Summer is coming to an end. I will tell you one quick thing before I jump into sharing how I always prepare for going back to school. Next summer I want to basically take the entire summer off, away from work. I’ve always wondered what summer would be like, even back when I was a sign language interpreter. Even now my work has been consistent year round. I’m always scrambling to figure out what to do with my kids while I’m working, and now that my kids are older it feels even more important for me to not be working.

It hit me in the middle of summer, how my business is literally 98% organized. We maintain a really tight organized ship over here. I know how to prepare for an event 8 to 12 weeks out. I help other women prepare for maternity leave, I help people take time off and I take time off every now and then. So why am I not doing this? That’s been a fun thing to learn. It has helped me really cherish and value what I want for my children, my family and my home as we go into the school year. I’m excited to prepare a literal haven for my babies and for my husband. I want everyone to have fun and to be excited and enthusiastic. I don’t want this to be stressful, even for a split second.

Focus On These 3 Concepts While Preparing To Send Your Kids Back To School

I have six things on my productive back to school checklist and it is not what you think it is. However, there are three main concepts that I want you to understand before you tackle this list, and the first one is routines.

Concept #1: Routines

I want you to focus so hardcore on routines like nothing you’ve ever even done before. Whatever it is that you normally do to prepare, you’re done with that. We’re focusing on establishing and strengthening routines for everyone. Practice and repeat those routines. 

Concept #2: Bringing Your Children’s Environment To Them

This is a huge Montessori philosophy to prepare an environment that your kids can be independent in. This is going to make them excited and help you outsource the thousands of things that you have to do. One example is: stop storing things up on high shelves. Give them dishes that are okay to break. Provide them with environments where they can sit and play, do their homework, or just sit and stretch out. Or bring an environment to them that allows them to do the dishes. Allow your children to be involved in their environment.

Concept #3: Leading, Not Completing Tasks

The third thing I really want you to focus on is leading, not on completing tasks. So as we go through this list and as you go into your back to school season, I want you to think about these three things at all times. Focus on the routine, bring their environment to them, and focus on leading – not on completing tasks. You’re probably wondering how that is even productive. You and everyone else in your house will be able to produce a thousand times more when you get your head out of the weeds, and come up to a leadership level with your kids.

“You’re going to focus on that routine, bring their environment to them, and focus on leading
– not completing tasks.”

My 6 Item Checklist For Back To School Success

So what does this checklist look like? We’ve got six things. Write them down, 1-6 and be prepared to take serious action. This is what you’re going to be focused on from now until your kids go back to school, and even all the way up until fall break. This is what you’re doing. Nothing else. Also, make sure you read my blog about keeping your kids healthy, what I do to nourish my kids and my wellness routine. Those are not on this list.

#1 Before School Routine

The number one thing on my checklist for getting prepared for back to school is the Before School Routine. Write down anything and everything that you can think of that needs to happen before school, to get ready for school. You’re going to focus on that routine, bring their environment to them, and focus on leading – not completing tasks. So you’re not thinking about how to do all the things for them, you’re thinking about how to lead them through it. The only way to do that is if you have built their environment for them with intention. That’s how I want you to apply this, with all six of these checklist items. 

#2 Back To School Lunch Routine

This one may require you to purchase some things and get organized in order to build that environment for your kids. I want you to get lunch boxes that are functional. Create a space where they can get their lunch boxes, put them away, and clean them. Write out their top 10 favorite lunches: their top five proteins, top five fruits, snacks, all of it. Get it all systemized and ready to go so this is a non issue for you if you are packing lunches. 

#3 Back To School Supplies

I had to put this one on the list because it always throws me. It’s a little different from all the other ones. I don’t know if it’s like this for you, but every teacher here has a different dang list. And they always send it out the night before. I absolutely don’t understand it but it’s a thing. Some teachers are much more prepared than others. There are also some standard kits that you can buy that come with the basics in them.

All I want you to do with this one is make sure that you are putting at least two hours (for sure an hour per child) on your calendar before school starts, if you don’t have the information sooner. Just make sure you set time aside for this. It’s a total task-crunching thing that I know about, but somehow it always sneaks up on us. Even when I email the teacher, it’s a total Montessori thing because they’re so communal, it’s a different scenario. I’m not sure what it’s like for your kid’s classrooms and the agendas with the teachers, but you’ll also want to think about this for homeschooling. You will need to go through your supplies, get everything organized, and make a master list of everything you’ll need for the first quarter – if not through the first half of the year. 

#4 After School Routine

I told you we were focusing on routines! After School Routine is huge. I remember making a big shift to mine last year that actually changed the literal game for my entire life. The After School Routine is so unbelievably important. Make sure that you focus on this routine. Write out which things are getting accomplished, make sure the environment is fit for the kids, and focus on leading them through it – not just doing the tasks. Okay?

In the After School Routine, FOOD is going to become your superpower. It’s also important to make sure the kids get that immediate backpack removal. Cleaning out the backpacks and lunch boxes, and washing hands before they do anything else. Then they can go do homework, have a snack or whatever else you’re wanting them to do.

#5 Back To School Bedtime Routine

Okay let’s look at number five. This one is the Bedtime Routine. So let’s fast forward… we have done our softball, basketball, baseball, volleyball, cheer, dance, swim. We’re done, we did the things, we did the after school routine, we did all of that. Now I want you to put your brain in a really special place that says, “My kids are utterly exhausted, dinner is over, what needs to happen in those last 30 to 90 minutes to get my kids to bed on time?”. This one can be extremely short. I actually recommend that it be really short, straightforward, nothing fancy. Strip this one down, make it really simple, write it out and you’ll be good to go. 

#6 Back To School Morning Routine

Last but not least, number six is the Morning Routine. We have a distinction for our kids between the before school routine and their morning routine. If you don’t, that’s okay, but I like to have these two separated for when we don’t have school so we still have a morning routine. My kids know the difference between the two and where the cutoff is for us. The Before School Routine happens downstairs and the Morning Routine happens upstairs. So the actual physical space separates them, but we also have these to-do list boards for each of the kids. It has an insert you write on, then the little slider can move over from a red X to a green check. Anyway, super cute before school routine. You can get them on Amazon if you want one, too!

Think about this one and the reason why I put it last on the list. They’re not necessarily in order of priority, or which one has the most impact, but the morning routine can take a long time to train your kids to do. If you haven’t been doing this with them all along, don’t feel discouraged. This is not 100% necessary for you to be able to have a productive back to school with your kids. Focus on the little things you want them to do to take care of themselves and their space. Do they need to make their bed, brush their teeth… think hygiene, getting dressed… What do all these things need to look like and what order do you want to put those things in? How can you help them do a better job with those things? Can you introduce one thing at a time?

You Don’t Have To Do All Six Of These

You’re going to know your kids best, as well as what you have and haven’t already established with them. You don’t need to do all six of these. Obviously, you’ll have to do back to school supplies, then I suggest you start with your before school routine and your after school routine. Those two will sandwich their school day and give it such a nice big hug! If all six are too much for you that you can’t even go there, just focus on those two things. What a huge blessing and takeaway from this blog that would be for you, your kids, and your entire family. I am wishing you and your kiddos nothing but the best this school year.

Bonus Back To School Activity To Do With Your Kids

This is a really fun family thing that we do every single year with our kids. As you’re going into the school year, I want you to find an intentional time to sit and be with your kids. With no screens. And just ask them: “What are you really hoping to accomplish this year?” Then have them write it down. Have them write down a dream, a goal, or a vision. If you’re a faith-based family, have them write down a prayer for their year. Then use that in the first couple days, weeks, months and even all year long if you need to. Put it on the kitchen table and have your kids come back to this, and repeat it over and over again.

When the days are hard, we go back to that same special thought or idea of what we were hoping for. And sometimes it’ll open up the opportunity for your kids to talk to you about what they’re afraid of, too. That is a beautiful moment for you to share with your kids, because it’s not always just about being productive. Truly, it’s about being intentional and taking time to sit and connect with your kids. With your eyes, your language, and with your physical connection, it will mean so much to them and to you, too. 

Preparing for the next school year with your kids should be fun and bring you all closer together. If you do end up putting any of these tips into place, I’d love for you to share them within our vibrant Facebook community or come over and visit me on Instagram. Not only will it serve as a piece of accountability for you, but it will also encourage other moms who haven’t yet taken action on what they’ve read. And remember that we would LOVE to see you inside of Systemize Your Life as a student!

Thanks so much for being here with me!

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