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Crunchy mom of two, married to my favorite boy for life, and lover of dark chocolate peanut butter cups!
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3 Easy Steps To Regain Control Of Your Day

3 Easy Steps To Regain Control Of Your Day And Stop Dropping The Ball

August 9, 2024


Sometimes life just happens and when it does, it can quickly feel like you’re falling behind. Whether it be a virus at the beginning of the school year or a schedule with no breathing room, it can be hard to slow down and get back on track. Trust me, we’ve all been there. In this blog, I’m sharing the 3 steps I use to bounce back and regain control of what I’m trying to accomplish every day.

Whether you’re a stay-at-home mom or a mom working a full-time corporate job, these steps will help you regain control of your day. Grab a notebook because you’ll want to take notes for this one!

Listen Below For The Entire Episode On The Systemize Your Life Podcast

Explaining My To-Do List System To My Husband

I had a conversation with my husband recently about to-do lists, and he asked me how this whole thing works and where he’s supposed to put his to-do’s. Same kind of conversation I have with other people who want to know how I get everything done and how I organize it all. Keep in mind, my husband is not even close to being 100% prescribed to my methods. I manage my responsibilities in our home this way, but it’s not how he navigates his life. So many people assume that I ended up with a husband who thinks like me, or wants to do things the same or schedule his time the same as me… And that’s just not the case. Of course, he’s really respectful of what I do but he doesn’t necessarily understand it or use it. 

So when he asked where I put my to-do’s I explained my process. I put them on the communication board on our fridge in the kitchen, which is right next to where he was standing. Then he asked if I put them anywhere else like in the Google Calendar. So we had this whole conversation about fundamental needs and how I put them in my paper planner, then transfer them over to the communication board. The paper planner is basically where everything starts.

During our conversation I asked him what that felt like for him when he didn’t complete his to-do list. He brought up a couple things I’ve heard from other people before, specifically moms. Then I got down to the nitty gritty and asked, “What is it that you’re afraid of? What’s the worst that could happen?”. And he said he hates worrying about or feeling like he has dropped the ball. That’s what led me to the idea for a podcast episode and this blog post!

3 Steps To Regain Control Of Your Day

I want to share the three steps I use that will help you get back on track, truly feel like you can take control of your day, and stop dropping the ball constantly. Not to say that I don’t… There are times I drop the ball when I’m not doing what I know I’m supposed to be doing. Or because sometimes the perfect storm happens. We all go through it at one point or another, but it’s important to get back on track after things have gone haywire. Having a system in place to help you do that is ideal.

Step #1: Separating Home And Work To-Do Lists

First thing we’re going to talk about is creating separation between your work and home tasks on your to-do list. All the things you have to do for work and all the things you have to do from home should not be on a running list in your notes app or on sticky notes all over your desk. You should have a very specific way of keeping your work to-do’s inside of your work blocks. Wherever you go to do that work, that’s where that to-do list stays.

What about the things that come to mind when you’re in the shower and not sitting at your desk? Where do you put those things? Valid question. It’s okay for you to have an immediate spot to write down things at random moments throughout the day. I used to keep a paper planner or journal in my kitchen at all times when I was consuming podcast episodes a lot. That journal was organized with segments for either personal growth or business growth. Then I’d transfer it over to my workflows from there. That’s a really great place to start in order to regain control of things. 

That doesn’t happen to me often since I’ve created this rhythm, and I know what needs to get done every day, week, or month. Once in a while if I’ve forgotten to do something for work, I’ll drop it into my Voxer notes. Voxer is 100% reserved for work, so messages from myself or my team are always right there. I do not have a to-do list in my notes app. Ever since I started implementing my home management system. I keep those things very separate. I create my home to-do list in my planner at the beginning of every week. So that’s when you should create yours, before Monday starts. Then I transfer that over to my communication board, so everyone can see what’s on my to-do list and think about how they can pitch in and be supportive.

#2: My Five Time Block Method For Time Management

The second way to regain control of your day is to create five time blocks to organize your time. After about 5 years of research and working with over a thousand people, I have found it to be the most advantageous, effective and efficient way of managing your waking hours every single day. Whether you’re working a 9-5 job plus a side hustle, or you don’t have an income at all. Anywhere within that spectrum of “100% stay-at-home mom” to “full-time working 9 to 5 mom”. Either way, you’re working your tail off and these five time blocks will fit and they work, no matter what.

These work for my husband who’s a firefighter, and they’ve worked for every person I’ve given them to. Whether they chose not to continue using that method, or if they felt like it was absolutely their favorite way. Everyone has their own preference and that’s totally okay. But if you’re looking for an effective way to manage your day, you should be using a time block method to organize your time. I’m not going deep into this here, so go listen to the podcast episodes I have on time blocking. We are stacked with resources here on the BLOG as well.

Step #3: Fundamental Needs – Otherwise Known As “The Great Eight”

The third step in regaining control of your day and your week, is focusing on your fundamental needs. Or what I like to call “The Great Eight”. When you’re juggling so many things plus spinning plates, you’re worried and overwhelmed at how to keep everything up in the air. It will be helpful for you to start thinking about the most fundamental parts of your week. What are the top eight specific tasks that have to be done before you put anything else in your schedule? Make sure you check out THIS BLOG POST for a more in-depth explanation of fundamental needs.

To-Do Lists, Time Blocks, And Fundamental Needs To Regain Control

So let’s do a little inventory before we wrap up. I went over three very specific things. #1Separate your work and home to-do lists from each other, and tackle them in separate times. #2Use my time blocking method. And #3Focus every day on your eight fundamental needs. So when we look at those 3 things, what are you struggling with the most? If you’re struggling with all three it’s okay. Which one is causing you the most stress or the most anxiety? Is it the fact that you’re not meeting the basic needs of your family? Like meal prepping, grocery shopping, and keeping the house clean. Or are you struggling to take care of yourself? Like sleeping enough, working out, having a date night, and getting the bare minimum of your to-do’s done each week? 

Getting back on track after things have gone haywire is important and having a system to help you do that is ideal.

If the urgent things have even been hard for you, then just focus on The Great Eight. Read blog posts on that. Then let’s say everything is a mess and most days you feel like you’re getting nothing done. You’re running all day long and multitasking constantly. If time management is where you should lean in, focus on getting your five time blocks in place. If you feel like you’re functioning okay, doing all the things but it’s not effective or efficient. And you have a massive to-do list that doesn’t seem to get shorter – I want you to focus on shifting your to-do’s into two separate lists. We have several blog posts on that as well. This is going to be your homework. This is where you need to dive in and what you need to do from this day going forward. You’ve got this!

It truly is possible to regain control of your day with the right systems in place. If you end up using any of these tips, I’d love for you to share them in our vibrant Facebook community. Or come over and visit me on Instagram. Not only will it serve as a piece of accountability for you, but it will also encourage other moms who haven’t yet taken action on what they’ve read. And remember that we would LOVE to see you inside of Systemize Your Life as a student!

Thanks so much for being here with me!

Frequently Asked Questions

What other useful tips do you have for me on time blocks or fundamental needs?

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